For my next trick, I will attempt to... Vapor Canister Vent Solenoid | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For my next trick, I will attempt to... Vapor Canister Vent Solenoid


Active Member
November 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Rocky Top, Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Exploder XLT
Smelling gas too strong lately. This happened back in 2007 when Vapor Canister Vent Solenoid failed. I suspect it has failed again with the exception that this time I hear fumes hissing escape when opening gas cap. I didn't hear the hiss back in 2007. If the solenoid has failed, maybe it failed open last time and is failing closed now?? (or, something was not re-connected after last months big tear-down)?
Not sure how I can get my hand on the solenoid and connectors all at the same time...does anyone have suggestion on accessing the solenoid without removing the upper intake manifold?? Even with the DPFE & EGR (etc.) removed it looks like an iffy access.
If not solenoid failure, any other ideas of where to snoop?

Thank-you in advance and best to all!

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The canister purge valve is on the drivers side of the engine it should not be hidden by intakes?

Your charcoal canister maybe full and in need of replacement if the fuel smell never goes away after fixing the canister purge

X2 on the charcoal canister needing replaced or "rebuilt". You can buy a jar of activated carbon pellets from Amazon and with some epoxy rebuild your current one which should be cheaper than a replacement. There is a how-to thread on here somewhere about doing that - Ive used it twice now with great results and no more lingering gas smell.

Edit - here Replacing the charcoal in a vapor canister

That is awesome! Thanks for the link Brian
My bii still uses this old style canister under the hood

Not sure how I can get my hand on the solenoid and connectors

Do you ask about this oh-so-inconveniently-placed component?:

Do you ask about this oh-so-inconveniently-placed component?:
View attachment 452324

Thank-you, Everybody!
Yes, that is the suspect! After last months major tear-apart to replace failed engine gasket, I can actually see this solenoid a little better than before, BUT it is still up under the ?plenum? and I don't see how I can get my hands on it to disconnect/reconnect its hoses and cables.
I smell fuel strongly after about 15 minutes of operation I'm guessing solenoid or wiring or tubing suffered trauma during the big surgery.?? Bleeding hiss/pressurized fumes from gas cap every so often keeps the fuel smell out of the cabin. --the excessive gas cap hissing/decompressing of fumes makes me think the solenoid is not sending fumes to the charcoal and fumes are getting out of the system anywhere they can. ???? Still diagnosing.

Hissing as in air escaping, the tank is under pressure or hissing as in air rushing in, the tank is under vacuum

The canister purge solenoid usually fails in the open position which would be pulling vacuum from tank all the time

If air is rushing out then the solenoid has failed closed and no vapor is being purged from the tank

Either way time for a new canister purge solenoid

Should be able to pull it out from under intake? I had mine mounted off to the side, so it was easy to access… I have forgotten how hard it is to get it out from under the plenum on a factory truck but if I recall correctly I was always able to pull them out and access the wires and plumbing

Hissing as in air escaping, the tank is under pressure or hissing as in air rushing in, the tank is under vacuum

The canister purge solenoid usually fails in the open position which would be pulling vacuum from tank all the time

If air is rushing out then the solenoid has failed closed and no vapor is being purged from the tank

Either way time for a new canister purge solenoid

Should be able to pull it out from under intake? I had mine mounted off to the side, so it was easy to access… I have forgotten how hard it is to get it out from under the plenum on a factory truck but if I recall correctly I was always able to pull them out and access the wires and plumbing
Hissing at gas cap seems to be fumes rushing out and there is strong fuel smell just after.
I might be able to swap out the solenoid once I remove DPFE, EGR hoses, mounts, etc.
The truck has never had a new charcoal canister so, I may swap it first with fingers crossed.

Air rushing out the canister valve is stuck closed or the line is kinked or there is blockage in the line.
