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  1. K

    Raced a Cougar....

    Welp, I just got done racing my brother-in-laws 99 Cougar (V6). We've had this little rivalry going on for awhile now about whose vehicle is faster. He says that his Cougar has 220hp, and that there's no way I could beat him because my Explorer weighs so much more and I don't have a high enough...
  2. K

    Ford Tremor? I want one!

    I was clicking through Explorer Undergrounds site when I ran across this: Dead Link Removed It's an article about the Ford Tremor. I would KILL to have one of these things. There has got to be someway we can get them into production? They are definately putting the SPORT in SPORT Utility...
  3. K

    K&N verion of KKM?

    Could someone please post a URL to the K&N version of the KKM induction kit? thanks.
  4. K

    Rear end gear ratio?

    How do you tell what gearing you have? I have a 98 Sport 4.0L SOHC, I think it has the towing package if that makes a difference.....
  5. K

    To KKM or not to KKM, that is the ?

    OK, I now this subject has been beaten to death but I've done a little research and opening it up again. The question is, should I get a KKM induction kit? I have did a search on this message board and have read through the several other posts on this topic. Most of the people that put one on...
  6. K

    Drilled Airbox

    Can someone please post some picks or draw some in photoshop of where you are drilling the holes in the airbox?
  7. K

    Drilled Airbox

    Can someone please post some picks or draw some in photoshop of where you are drilling the holes in the airbox?