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  1. K

    Maine Laws

    I am going to be transferred to maine shortly and I have heard some rumors about laws there concerning annual inspections. I was told that you are not allowed to have any suspension mods whatsoever! could anyone please shed some light on this topic for me? as I would hate to find this out the...
  2. K

    What the heck! (Engine Dies) 3-12-04

    what more can you tell me about this sensor? (i.e. location, purpose)
  3. K

    What the heck! (Engine Dies) 3-12-04

    I don't think it is the pump, I just had it replaced. Where is that relay located????
  4. K

    What the heck! (Engine Dies) 3-12-04

    nothing else is wrong with it. It usually start right up again but occasionally it takes me several tries to get it started
  5. K

    What the heck! (Engine Dies) 3-12-04

    all I can say is that speed and temperature have nothing to do with it. It does have an aging electrical system but it has never given me problems before. Basically I would be driving and it just starts to bog down and doesn't respond to throttle input and eventually the engine completely dies.
  6. K

    What the heck! (Engine Dies) 3-12-04

    What the hell! ok here is my problem, my ex completely dies sparradicly and with no warning. one second its fine the next, dead. I just had the ignition coil and fuel pump replaced so I know its not either of those. Help!!!!
  7. K

    ^ The Person Above You

    ^ calls his x a "rig"
  8. K

    Clicking sound from under vehicle (97 5.0 AWD)

    It never ceases to amaze me. The amount of expertise you guys put forward is really great. my ex does the same thing and reading these threads has given me new hope and ideas. I am so glad I found this site. -thank you everyone.
  9. K

    not so funny noises!

    the clank is rythmic and directly linked to vehicle speed. Bumps and turns have little effect on it.
  10. K

    not so funny noises!

    ok guys I need the help from you explorer experts. I have a nagging clank coming from somewhere in or around my left wheel. I have been told it was the hub...replaced help. Then they said it was the help. I am at a complete loss and have sunk a substantial...
  11. K

    How much power, what kind of amp?

    It is not always neccessary to mach watt for watt. it more depends on the quality of amp you purchase. and remember amps have rms too. try to mach the combined rms of the subs with that of the amp. some good names are: kenwood, adiobahn, sony, and phoenix gold. good luck!
  12. K

    Ok i want some bass, but cheap/reliable

    ok when you girls are done plaing with your boom boxes(just kidding) you should try the new sony 12" pentagonal sub it has 1200w max and 350W rms I got a pair for $90 on e-bay. they are loud enough to blow womens clothes off!!!!!!! hehehe
  13. K

    Tick! Tick! Tick!

    yes all the time. I have about 145k on it. also I get a kind of *rattleing* noise around 3,500 rpm.
  14. K

    transmission vibration

    Don't be scared!! Now don't be too scared but that same problem happend to me. I asked around, took it to the shop and still nothing. finally one day I was driving down the highway and.....pop clank hisssss. My problem was the rear drive shaft had come loose and was vibrating, eventually it...
  15. K

    Tick! Tick! Tick!

    I have a 94 x and there is a ticking noise coming from under the hood. I have some buddys who say that it is lifter noise? Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how do I fix it?