Wanted - 2000 4x4 4.0L ranger suspension lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 2000 4x4 4.0L ranger suspension lift

Parts or services wanted


New Member
November 7, 2009
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2000 Ranger XLT
does anybody know of any suspension lifts for a ford ranger 2000 4x4 4.0L XLT. im currently servin in the us army so ive got plenty of spare time right now. ive been wonderin wat all i may need to get in order to support the lift. like new A arms, an CVA axles to support bigger tires. My future behind the truck is to eventually put a 302 V8 in it. thats of course after im out of the army. but its kinda gonna be a me an my dad thing when i get out. sumthin we can do together. but if u have any ideas please throw sum my way
