2010 A/C issue, not cold F/R, no leaks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2010 A/C issue, not cold F/R, no leaks


Elite Explorer
March 1, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Birmingham, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Sport Trac
2010 Ford Explorer, Dual Climate control.
Just did a recharge No leaks.
Front A/C set to MAX very little cold air.
Rear A/C set to MAX little cold air, would rule out the blend door.
Its been getting worse every year. If on the highway it will eventually get cool.
No tester to check high/low pressure.

Could this be a compressor?
A/C Orifice if so where is it?

Sorry if i missed a thread somewhere.
Thank you.

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What’s the compressor doing? Is it coming on, and just staying on? Does it cycle the clutch off an and off a lot?

Compressor is on, never cycles.

I’m not sure if these models have the solenoid by the heater core that stop the coolant flow. I assume it has something similar. In the second gens they are vacuum devices.

I did get a Low Side ready of 90psi, and High Side also 90psi

I think that typically means the compressor.

Yep, i took it in. Compressor, Dryer, and Condenser and a flush. To save money they disconnected the Rear A/C.
