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4x4 Binding

Hello all...hope I'm in the right thread. I'm wondering if the problem I'm having can be fixed by having the GEM reprogrammed?

I have a 2004 Sport Trac / 4x4/ XLS - 240K on truck, about 100K on a used new TCase replacement. Brand new TC shift motor as of yesterday - My problem, and this problem has always been present with Sport Trac is that on slow turns, and while going down a steep hill, even when the truck was new that I get a popping/bang noise like its coming out of gear, or slipping the TC chain or skipping/popping out of a spline? This ONLY happens when in 4x4 HIGH or LOW (I DO NOT HAVE AUTO 4 Wheel drive) - And when its in 4x4 HIGH it is much less severe. I do not use the 4x4 HIGH or LOW on dry pavement, I like to go off roading and know how to use the 4x4 secletor, and it has always done a bit of loud banging on sharp turns going slow while in 4x4 H/L But never has it done in 2 Wheel drive, and is not doing it in 2 wheel drive. What is causing this? I have read it could be the ABS sensors? Or the Speed Sensor? Could it also be the 4x4 control module? It is also having a hard time getting into 4x4 Low presently, I have to move the truck forward, backwards and finally it will go into 4 LOW...Of course I'm doing it in neutral, foot on the brake for LOW, it's the only way it will go into LOW...so we can eliminate that question.
