4x4 Evolution 2 for the PC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x4 Evolution 2 for the PC


March 26, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Nashua NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Whats up. I am a longtime fan of the site, but fairly new to the message board. I am also an avid player of 4x4 Evolution 2, and was wondering if any other Xplorer fans out there played this game, it would be great to get and online Serious Exploration going, complete with trail pix and a little story ;) anyways, you can E-mail me at kevhaley311@hotmail.com, or IM me at Xx311FreakOutxX. Hope to hear back about this, happy Xploring


I like it too, just disappointed that there aren't any X's in the game. That was the whole reason I bought the game. I guess the first version had Ford's in it.


One good thing about the game is the ability to Download trucks and tracks, I have a downloaded version of every original ford from 4x4 evo 1, converted to 4x4 evo 2, thus, my fleet of explorers! If you want or need this file, feel free to e-mail or IM me.


I'll email you as soon as I get home, thanks.

