94 explorer a/c problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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June 10, 2015
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1994 Ford Explorer
Recently purchased a nice 94 explorer had a fuel pump relay problem and fixed it but noticed the ac wouldn't work it just wouldn't turn on, then on the way home it turned on and didn't blow cold though. though then it just needs some Freon and should be fine. once I got to the parts store to put in the Freon it wouldn't blow, so I messed with the relay and it started blowing. next I filled it and the clutch kick in but then stops doing that back and forth repeatedly. it kicks on and off about every three seconds and never gets cold. any ideas would be much appreciated. :salute:

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Altogether, how much refrigerant did you put in the system?

What is the 10th digit of your vin number?

Your system hold between 50-55 ounces, until you fill to that level the pressure switch will not allow the system to come on.

okay it may have had some in it before i put the rest of the can in it and it actually made it stop turning on and off and now stays on and blows cold. probably could us a little more.

Does your system have dual air? I have a 1994 with just front air and it holds 24 oz. I would also very strongly encourage you to get a set of manifold gauges. To blindly add refrigerant not knowing how much is in the system is asking for all kinds of problems. While not as good as a refrigerant scale, a set of manifold gauges will get you very close to the correct amount of refrigerant without the risk of over/undercharging (other than maybe an oz. or two). You can pick up a decent set from Harbor Freight for about $50 on sale.

The tenth digit of my VIN is also R and my system holds 24 ounces so I strongly suggest you check and see if the label for the AC is still on the Evaporator housing. Mine was on the reflective foil covering the Evap housing. Mine is a '94 Explorer 2 door 2 wheel drive with only front AC.

I would either rent a vacuum pump and manifold gauge set from Autozone (you get all your money back when you return them). Evacuate the system and put in 2 cans of refrigerant or just get the manifold gauge set and adjust refrigerant per a pressure /temperature chart. I would recommend the 1st choice as that way you know exactly how much refrigerant is in the system and you'll have ensured there's no air in the system.

I agree with mekelly, plus it would let you replace the orifice/filter in the lower Evaporator line. It's cheap and your AC will work better as the filter is almost guaranteed to be full.

Good point Centaurious on the orifice tube replacement. If you're going that route, spend $24 on a new accumulator at rockauto. I recently did exactly this, replaced orifice tube, accumulator, added 24oz of refrigerant. A/C now blows 40 degrees at the vent on an 85 degrees day! Very little effort, under $30 worth of parts (you'll need PAG oil if you replace the accumulator)

Yea, had to replace my accumulator because the previous owner replaced it.... with one for an R12 system. So I had a R134a high side connector, R12 low side connector, a correct R134a low pressure switch... on an R12 fitting.

It was a mess but it cooled to 35 degrees till it suddenly failed with the low pressure switch blowing off. New accumulator, low pressure switch, orifice, vacuumed it down and 24oz R134a and it's back to an icebox.

Quick Tip, drill a hole in the bottom of the old accumulator and drain out the old oil into a graduated container, it lets you know how much new oil to put in the new accumulator.

On the front of the compressor it says Ford Remanufactured on my 1991...I have a r134 low port...hoping it was converted over but don't really know...when my son's truck was converted it had a sticker saying so.

What do y'all think - it was changed over at some point back in the last 24 years?

If it has an R134a low side port on the accumulator it would be expected that it was filled with that. Is the High side port a snap on connection as well?

If it has an R134a low side port on the accumulator it would be expected that it was filled with that. Is the High side port a snap on connection as well?

It is but is different than, for example, my wife's van's port...I'll take pic later...working on brakes.

I got a 94 explorer and I replaced the heater relay on the passenger side on the block bc the diode wasn’t working and replaced the fan but when I turn the fan off and ventilation off still blowing hot air and if I turn it cold it turns cold to like it’s still on any ideas??

I got a 94 explorer and I replaced the heater relay on the passenger side on the block bc the diode wasn’t working and replaced the fan but when I turn the fan off and ventilation off still blowing hot air and if I turn it cold it turns cold to like it’s still on any ideas??
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