Anyone try these long travel front CV axles? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone try these long travel front CV axles?

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demonmudder from the 2nd gen subforum has them! and iirc a member named fire has them too! been wanting to trybthem out! super pumped!
160 each is not a bad price either, I know there are cheaper alternatives, which I had to go with for one of my rear ones, but not as expensive as Motocraft.

Had a rear wheel bearing go bad, and this time I am just replacing the whole knuckle as a unit especially since it comes with an axle nut. That rear cv axle got knocked apart by my idiot ex nephew in law, and could never get a boot to stay attached.

My truck is original purchase from when I lived in Michigan, and the axle threads have taken a beating from the salt. I plan to redo all of them.

160 each is not a bad price either, I know there are cheaper alternatives, which I had to go with for one of my rear ones, but not as expensive as Motocraft.

Had a rear wheel bearing go bad, and this time I am just replacing the whole knuckle as a unit especially since it comes with an axle nut. That rear cv axle got knocked apart by my idiot ex nephew in law, and could never get a boot to stay attached.

My truck is original purchase from when I lived in Michigan, and the axle threads have taken a beating from the salt. I plan to redo all of them.
next time I eat a cv ill have to try those ;) love my travel

next time I eat a cv ill have to try those ;) love my travel
Price is down, 130 each + shipping, brought it to just over 300 for both.


next time I eat a cv ill have to try those ;) love my travel
Here they are in person. I couldn't pull the travel part by hand. Will have to install to see how much it goes.


hey man ,
do you have the part number for the front left cv axle ? Ive eaten threw 2 sets of motorcraft ones in the front already. thanks in advance
Do you have the BTF upper control arms?

They were listed on rock auto but give me some time I'll go out to garage and get the actual skis off the boxes.

Going to try and install today.

Do you have the BTF upper control arms?

They were listed on rock auto but give me some time I'll go out to garage and get the actual skis off the boxes.

Going to try and install today.
Yes sir , have the btf uppers and btf spacers with Moog camber/caster kit.


As of right now these aint worth a ****. Too ****ing short on the passenger side pulled with all my strength and couldn't get through the wheel bearing splines to get the axle nut on.

Will be contacting tracmotive. Will put pics up later, looks like the moog struts will be in the way too.

300 rusting in the garage, the paperwork in boxes said something about a Datsun.

Anyway they don't fit mine, Trakmotive never replied to emails, was too late to return to RA, Anyone does have a use for them pm me, they are shorter than stock extended, IDK if wrong item in box, or wrong label on box, but length issue, and won't clear aftermarket strut either, too thick in that area.

300 rusting in the garage, the paperwork in boxes said something about a Datsun.

Anyway they don't fit mine, Trakmotive never replied to emails, was too late to return to RA, Anyone does have a use for them pm me, they are shorter than stock extended, IDK if wrong item in box, or wrong label on box, but length issue, and won't clear aftermarket strut either, too thick in that area.
I’ll buy them off of you, i’m going to DM you now

Duralast makes a set of them. Part number 10082NET for drivers side, part number 9354NET passenger side. Duralast Gold.

The Trackmotive at Rockauto does not specify a left or a right side. The page doesnt even state if its one or a pair as far as I can tell.

Has anyone on here installed and used these without the other modifications ?
Are there one or two unique parts ?

- thanks
