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AWD to 2wd Conversion?

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Hmm, that would be nice, I wonder how many pictures are here on the site of the brakes etc. of the 3rd gen trucks.

to my knowledge, the entire hub assembly is the same for all 2wd, AWD and A4WD 3 gen explorers. And no modification will have to be made at all to the hubs, just pull the drive shaft out and your good.

I think your confusing this with the ranger hubs, or even the 2nd gen explorer hubs- these vehicles require hub conversion i think.

Very good, I mentioned it because I wasn't sure. I'll delete that post above to not confuse others.

I wish they were spindles then maybe someone would have already made a lowering spindle my transmission tailshift 2wd piece today at a local tranny shop. Few more things to research then hopefully everything will fall into place. I wish someone with a 2wd could tell me how long the driveshaft is from center of yoke to yoke. Or has a used 2wd driveshaft just laying around for 2002-2005.

Ask Robert(KBX) what he thinks of your project/plans. He has a truck like that which he purposely bought as 2WD for racing. He is far along with his, he has likely had all of the same thoughts long ago as far as performance. Ask him a few general questions to see where you are headed with the truck, he'll have very good ideas. Regards,

I've been wondering the same thing. We recently moved from WI to The bay area, CA and 0 need for the 4wd, and beyond that it is giving me problems anyways.

I also work at a Napa parts store.. Our books all show the hub assembly being the same 2wd/4wd/awd. Confusing though, doesn't the axle generally have something to do with holding the bearing/hub together?

I know on 88+ Chevy and 98+ Ford full size pickups, if you remove the axle and try to drive it, the wheel bearing and hub will seperate from each other. The axle and the spindle nut clamp them together.
So I've been hesitant to pull the axles and driveshaft out.. No one seems to know for sure.

I've been wondering the same thing. We recently moved from WI to The bay area, CA and 0 need for the 4wd, and beyond that it is giving me problems anyways.

I also work at a Napa parts store.. Our books all show the hub assembly being the same 2wd/4wd/awd. Confusing though, doesn't the axle generally have something to do with holding the bearing/hub together?

I know on 88+ Chevy and 98+ Ford full size pickups, if you remove the axle and try to drive it, the wheel bearing and hub will seperate from each other. The axle and the spindle nut clamp them together.
So I've been hesitant to pull the axles and driveshaft out.. No one seems to know for sure.

I'm guessing since its the same one on 2wd's & they don't have axles, then it should be fine. Look at the hubs you have on the shelf, they appear to be pressed in to me.

I agree, it's likely that the 2002 hub is a different design for how it is attached.

What truck do you have?

awd to 2wd conversion requires ALOT of work to do it RIGHT
Swapping the entire front end, removing the transmission and having it rebuilt using the tailhousing and oputput shaft from a 2wd version, then the 2wd rear driveshaft.
Also the trucks Gem module and 4x4 shift systems should be removed

If you are looking to put a "built" engine into your explorer and get a better transmission, as well as go 2wd, my advice is to sell it and get yourself a different truck....dont start with a V6 drivetrain. My favorite explorer is the 98.5-2001 Gen II 5.0L pushrod V8 personally, great engine, great transmission...bad AWD but you want 2wd so that doesnt matter...

What year is your truck? What is your background with working on these things?
Anything is possible with enough $$$ and time, but this is not a simple thing to do
So I have an 08 Mountaineer AWD V6. My tcase is howling/screeching, also it's binding an slow turns. Anyway I took the front driveshaft out to have rwd only but it won't send any power to the rear. Any ideas or tips and advice? Please!🙏
