B2scotts 88 b2 project | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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B2scotts 88 b2 project


May 9, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
88 B2
Here is what I have so far anyway: homebrew extended radius arms with fabed tranny xmember, coil spacers, 31x 10.50 tires, 2.9 with headers, fabbed front and rear bumpers:p:



Feel free to let me know what you think, I should be doin a solid axle swap this summer and wont be needing the radius arms or the xmember anymore so if anyone is interested just let me know.:thumbsup:

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Hey there! I'm not a car guy type, but the rims, the rust under the front bumper and the broken mirror need to go. Do you have or use a cb? No antenna? Tires are great! Can't really tell, but it looks like your fog lights/aux lights are all over the place.

Nice truck, I like those wheels

Rust can wait IMO, the body is about the least important thing when dealing with building an off road 2.9L BII

Rust and paint take a back seat to drivetrain/suspension upgrades

nice work so far!

Nice truck, I like those wheels

Rust can wait IMO, the body is about the least important thing when dealing with building an off road 2.9L BII

Rust and paint take a back seat to drivetrain/suspension upgrades

nice work so far!

Thanks,but Yea body work can wait for sure, Im not big on cosmetics anyway.The front bumper is now painted and the rear bumper is now on as well. Will have to post more pics when I can.

Hey Donner as far as the lights go they were trashed so got removed and an unsuspecting rock on a trail finished removing that passenger mirrior for you,wish granted hahaha.

I have most the parts to start my SAS but am lacking some leaf springs. Im using a dana 30 from a wrangler and need some input on what would be a good set of springs to use on a the bronco 2?
