Canadians bomb Yuma AZ!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Canadians bomb Yuma AZ!!

awww what are u gonna do, attack us? bring it on boyz.:D

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Originally posted by AdamCKach
Guys, come on. Canada is our 51st state and we should embrace it wholly.

LOL! Maybe we should annex it so we could kick out the French. We hate them more.;)

Nah, there's nothing wrong with Canada. I've played hockey my entire life ('cept the last 3 years; no damn ice in Myrtle Beach) so I have to be grateful for that. Played with many a good Canadian, too.Dead Link Removed



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Canada does have a our version of the Navy Seals, does anyone know what they are called??? Probably not, know why? Because we don't go out and make TLC and discovery channel specials showing the world our tactics.

Originally posted by bonnich
Canada does have a our version of the Navy Seals, does anyone know what they are called???

the royal penguins? :D

ld50 said:
Kay guys start stockpiling the snowballs, this is war!
damn... that's a loosing war right there. don't you know krazy canadians like me make the meanest ice balls?? :D

born and raised in toronto for 14 years!! :ca:

Originally posted by bonnich
Because we don't go out and make TLC and discovery channel specials showing the world our tactics

Hey, I like those TLC shows, they're cool :)

OK let's get a face-off going between the Seals or Rangers vs. the Royal Penguins and see who wins?

Originally posted by hornz2000
OK let's get a face-off going between the Seals or Rangers vs. the Royal Penguins and see who wins?

hehe.. i just made that name up. i hope they aren't really called the royal penguins!

Our most secret agencey is called CSIS....

Originally posted by bonnich
Canada does have a our version of the Navy Seals, does anyone know what they are called??? Probably not, know why? Because we don't go out and make TLC and discovery channel specials showing the world our tactics.
Of course, since our special operations soldiers are so good, it doesn't matter if the world knows their tactics. They'll still win any conflict. :p

actually our sf guy's are called J.T.F (joint task force) and they are the cream of the military's crimanals.
They are the kinda guy's that when released from the army they go out and rob armored cars just for kicks :eek: Funny thing is in a over view of the worlds military published by a #1 magazine (MAXIM) they rated american soldiers as being rather low on the totem but said the military was overall very good (take away the toy's and yer left with a bunch of rednecks with guns :D ). all i know is canada can kick ass when they need too but that frog who runs the country is a pacifist. just my .02 hope i dont piss anyone off :)

Somehow, I think a TLC show on the Canadian armed forces would be like watching an hour long NFL Films special about the Cincinatti Bengals. Sure, they have helmets and they understand the concepts, but to actually consider them a contender is a bit of a stretch.

Somehow, I think a TLC show on the Canadian armed forces would be like watching an hour long NFL Films special about the Cincinatti Bengals. Sure, they have helmets and they understand the concepts, but to actually consider them a contender is a bit of a stretch.

Actually it would be similiar to watching a special on the US military FROM 20 YEARS AGO, because most of our stuff is so old! :D

Originally posted by Hotweels
Funny thing is in a over view of the worlds military published by a #1 magazine (MAXIM) they rated american soldiers as being rather low on the totem but said the military was overall very good (take away the toy's and yer left with a bunch of rednecks with guns :D ).

Maxim...hmm... #1 magazine in mens entertainment, I take their advice on

hot girls-absolutely
New electronics-yes
barroom gags-hardly
the military-NEVER

That makes me so dumbfounded that I wont even start to list the sack full of ***** that our special forces troop have handed to various countries. Seriously, WTF do they know???
