Car Theft Capital of Canada | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Car Theft Capital of Canada


November 29, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XL SOHC 4X4
From the Saturday, Feb 2, Calgary Herald:

Just ask Saskatchewan's justice minister how bad the car theft problem in Regina is and he'll tell you.

When leaving his home Thursday to announce a govenment crackdown on car thieves, Chris Axworthy discovered that his Chrysler Inteprid has been stolen. The minister then had to hitch a ride with an aide to his media conference on car thefts.

"My first reaction was. I'm sure I parked my car here last night," Axworthy said Friday, "Then I thought, 'Well it was really cold last night so of course I parked my car here and if it is not here, someone has stolen it.' "

Axworthy' experience is far from unique. Thieves in Regina stole more than 3000 vehicles in 2001, more per capita than any other city in Canada.
:eek: :bounce:

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Yes, we are so proud. Mostly punk ass 14-17 year old kids with an arrest record as long as your arm. Some of the habitual offenders have 100-200 thefts under their belts, greaseball welfare addicted parents who spend their days in the bingo hall, then go to the food bank because they blew their check, don't give a hoot about what their kids are up to(sorry about the rant...) ...and they just keep releasing them. Why aren't these kids sweeping sidewalks, shovelling snow, etc. Bring back the chain gangs.

Seriously though, I live in a pretty good area and nobody in the area has had any problems, mainly in the downtown area, other older areas. Still don't have the problems of many big cities.

i would hate to park my car in that neighborhood:shoot:

Hey VICTORYSAIL, Nice to see someone else in calgary. Maybe we could hook up some time for a waiprous run? BTW i drive a green 92 with a safari rack and 3" lift if you see me cruising in the SW honk,

Blame Canada! That's where all these car theves come from.LOL!:D
