Counterfeit Mini Cooper commercial? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Counterfeit Mini Cooper commercial?


Moderator Emeritus
January 23, 2002
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Has anyone seen the counter-counterfeit Mini Cooper commercials:

Is it me, or does it seem like they are trying to be funny? I went to the site, and they seem rather serious.

I mean, on the commercials, they are painting stripes on cars that are obviously NOT Mini Coopers. They also make fun of how you can't park one or take it to a road course.

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that's funny, those cars they have on the site are hilarious, trey are being serious to be funny there and I think it is. The two bikes taped together is great.

has anyone seen the owners manual for a mini cooper? its a giant joke, it tlaks about the glove box and old pizza storage and they have pics also, or elaving the headlghts on and opening the hood(might be trunk) and pointing the beams up in the air. there were a lot of other weird things, Im suprised it was their manual.

EDIT acutally found a link about it here

that site is funny... yeah the mini markets itself a a car for goofballs...

that commercial cracks me up!!

I'm pretty sure they're just trying to be "serioously funny" :confused:
