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Dana 35 specs


September 21, 2008
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Looking for some info on doing a Dana 35 swap to replace my Dana 28 on my Bronco II.
What spline axles does the D35 have? What spline are the D28's? Are the Dana 35's different from 91-94 explorers compared to 95+ explorers? Which years explorers had the best D35, why?

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First off, welcome.

Looking for some info on doing a Dana 35 swap to replace my Dana 28 on my Bronco II.
Do you have any pictures of your Bronco II?

What spline axles does the D35 have?
The Dana 35 TTB has 27 spline axle shafts.

What spline are the D28's?
The Dana 28 TTB has 23 spline axle shafts.

Are the Dana 35's different from 91-94 explorers compared to 95+ explorers?
Yes. The '91-'94 Explorers have a TTB (Twin Traction Beam) axle setup where the '95+ Explorers have an a-arm setup. There is nothing front suspension wise that will swap from a '95+ Explorer to a '91-'94 Explorer.

Which years explorers had the best D35, why?
Actually the '91-'94 Explorer Dana 35 TTB is NOT the best choice for a swap. The best Dana 35 TTB choice is from a '95-'97 Ranger. The reason being is the '91-'94 Explorer Dana 35 TTB has the same single piston brake caliper as your Dana 28 while the '95-'97 Ranger Dana 35 TTB has a dual piston brake caliper. That will allow for better stopping performance.

Yup. 33's, 35's, even 37's. :cool:

What about a 302 with 33's? Im not sure if Im going to go with a 302 yet, but doesnt hurt to consider it.

What about a 302 with 33's? Im not sure if Im going to go with a 302 yet, but doesnt hurt to consider it.
A Dana 35 TTB is plenty strong enough to handle a 302 and 33's.

If you do the following mods, then you shouldn't have a problem running up to 38's or 40's on your Dana 35 TTB.

1. Spicer 5-760x u-joint upgrade:

2. E-clip eliminator:

3. Dana 44 Knuckle swap:

Use this as a guide to get the most out of your Dana 35 TTB as far as suspension travel and setup goes:

Got any good websites for 4" coils and drop pitman arms and axle bearings for these things?
