e 303 cam | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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e 303 cam

I've got a 97 X limited AWD 5.0 (build date 10/96,GT40 heads). Right now I'm running the MAC CAI with FMS headers (swap meet find) two high flow cats and custom y pipe going through a 3" in/out MAC muffler for a Mustang. I'm thinking about a E303 cam but do not know if I will need to get a chip burnt or if the stock computer will take it. I got toasted by a buddies Aviator and would like to keep up with him next time. So anybody out there got a better cam choice I only want somewhere around 325-330 hp. Thanks and the fourm is yours

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there are a few here running e cams with no tuning, however-They would be much better off if they did. I know tuning brought my x-cam engine to life.

Keep in mind-you won't just be swapping a camshaft-
this will require a chain reaction of improvements. I question the stock injectors--for instance.

You'll want roller rockers, lifters and pushrods with the camshaft swap at the minimum.

Good luck, keep us posted.

I'm running 1.6 pedastel mounts now and I think I read on one pony sites that the 19lb injectors are good for 350. Did some of the (p) motors come with 24lb injectors? Wow an X cam thats good for your 347 but I'm only at a stock bore and stroke your probaly making peak hp around 6100 or 6200 rpm I'm a daily driver. One day I might get up there with ya of course I'll have to read your thread about converting the balancer to accept the ring.

I like my E cam, but there are better grinds on the market for the 5.0L
my 96 has:
E303 Camshaft
FordMS 1.6 rollers
1" intake spacer
Mustang valve covers
TM headers
Flo Pro dual inlet, single outlet muffler into 2.5" pipe out the back

The truck straight moves when compared to a stock 5.0L ex, but there is ALOT of room for improvement. I would look into a better grind from Comp cams instead of using the E cam, its a good grind for us but to take advantage of it you really need to see some higher RPM which does not happen very often in a 4500# 4 door pig.

Computer tune would be nice too, I have a few more tricks up my sleeve before I get there though, I am planning a shift kit in the trans, some gearing, and then finally a computer tune.

My cam install is covered in my 96 daily driver build thread if you want to see whats all involved

CompCams extreme energy cams in their 270 grinds are meant to be really good. Also the Lunati Voodoo series - they're both more modern designs than the E cam by a long way.
You could also use Comp's CamQuest software to help pick something.
I've got it installed and put some GT40p head data in it. Interesting program.

One thing to note is that the E-cam is designed for a lighter car than the Explorer. I never recommend any car cams for trucks. For applications like yours I would call Comp and have one custom ground for your weight,gears,mods,etc. For any cam tuning is recommended-if not mandatory. I would be willing to bet your Explorer is signing off (power rolling over) long before 6100 rpm. If you still have stock manifolds, induction components, etc I would try shifting at around 5500rpm. Just a driving style change could speed the vehicle up. Actually I believe that Ford had the Explorer shifting at wot around 4800-which is a tad low but still close to right.

he has FMS headers, which are better then stock manifolds but still holding him back

Oh no my truck is shifting at the stock shift points for the factory auto, when I mentioned 6100 rpm I was talking to JT about his X cam'ed 347. As far as other grinds go its really a budget thing surfing E-bay you can pick up an "E" for a third of what the Comp or Crane cams go for. jah was it you that did the after cat turbo if so are you a daily driver and does the kit come with something to keep the turbo intake tubing from inhaleing water on a rainy day?

anyone get before and after drag tests with the ecam?
