Ford Fusion idler pulley bolt breaking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford Fusion idler pulley bolt breaking


High Voltage.
Elite Explorer
February 2, 2002
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mountaineer AWD
Have a co-worker with a Fusion (2.3) that breaks the idler pulls bolt every few months. Looking online this seems to be a very common problem. There didn’t seem to be a definitive fix for it, so I figured I’d ask here. Tensioner is recent, and the belt tension seems reasonable. Any ideas?

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Has anyone looked for higher grade/strength bolts?

Just a thought. Good luck.

I believe it was replaced with a 12.9 grade. The guy is a maintenance mechanic for a living, so I’m assuming he’s not doing something stupid like over-torquing the bolt.

Here are some ideas from Ford Fusion Forum.... maybe some help....

Posted September 3, 2014
Just wanted to post an FYI as I have been having this issue for the last 2 1/2 years and have gone through 14 idler pulley bolts. Finally found that the threads on the front cover where the idler pulley bolts to are worn out, so the idler pulley will bolt on, but not securely causing wear and friction to eventually shear the bolt. Just got it replaced so I will update in a couple of months with whether or not it finally fixed the issue. I have high hopes as I have replaced everything else in the accessory belt chain except the A/C compressor which had a full diagnostic run with no problems.

Posted October 21, 2015
My idler pulley broke at 137,000 and I replaced it with a grade 12.9... which broke about 2000 miles later! Finding no other issues with the belt system but indeed finding LOTS of posts of the same problem, this time I drilled the hole to 11/32" and tapped it for a 10mm bolt to replace that little 8mm bolt...the cast slot in the timing cover is already large enough, and drilling the pulley bearing bushing to 13/32" was also easy enough. Access to the engine was achieved by lowering the R/side cradle and engine mount, then drilling a hole just below the welded frame near the brake line retainer... I had to grind a hex on my drill bit to accept a 6" hex extension to reach the engine block, but the drilling took less than one minute! Let's hope this stronger bolt fixes the problem for good.

Hope something works! Good luck.

Have a co-worker with a Fusion (2.3) that breaks the idler pulls bolt every few months. Looking online this seems to be a very common problem. There didn’t seem to be a definitive fix for it, so I figured I’d ask here. Tensioner is recent, and the belt tension seems reasonable. Any ideas?

Perfect fix! Same problem. Terrible design by Ford. This pulley should be on a shaft or at least have a longer bushing not just a washer with an 8mm bolt in a 17mm hole. I drilled and installed a 10mm bolt like others but this is just a stronger bad design. After downloading pulley specs I came up with a pulley from a GM 6.6 duratec engine. Duralast part no. 231165. The pulley is the same diameter at 76mm but the center bearing hole is 10.6mm so it fits perfect on the bolt with very little play. The center bushing is built into the pulley and you're bolting direct with no added spacer or washer.

Drilled the rear idler pulley bolt out to a M10x1.5 in my 2.5 duratec swap in my Focus. Figured I'd post up the pics. Not sure this can be done in the car as it's super tight in there.




I’m sure this is the “correct” fix. Unfortunately, his correct fix was his daughter getting a little buck fever and scooping Bambi on The highway at 70.

Now get a 231165 pulley. Look it up on Google or auto zone. You'll understand why it's the best way to go. I can't seem to post pictures
