GPS tracking device in my obd2 port | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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GPS tracking device in my obd2 port


April 24, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Hoisington, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer Sport
I financed a used 21 explorer. I bought it from a Subaru dealership, the original owner was a car rental company, so I’m the second owner. When I was looking further at things after buying it, I noticed what is called an MVAC 3.0 plugged into the obd port. Upon looking online, I found this is made by Powerfleet, and the second article I found online was that Avis car rental started using them in 2018.

This made me wonder if this was left in there by the rental company, if the finance company required it be put in when I purchased it, or if there may be another reason it’s installed. Since it’s not hardwired I wonder if there’s an issue if i remove it, since it would have to be unplugged if I need to hook up my scan tool. Anyone have experience with this?

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Just glanced at some literature for it. They claim it locks on, are you able to remove it? If so, do, as it can immobilize a vehicle by remote control as well as track it, but does not appear to be needed to use the vehicle without it.

If it is locked on, contact Avis and insist they remove it.

Just glanced at some literature for it. They claim it locks on, are you able to remove it? If so, do, as it can immobilize a vehicle by remote control as well as track it, but does not appear to be needed to use the vehicle without it.

If it is locked on, contact Avis and insist they remove it.
What I was able to find out is that it’s used with fleet vehicles. It’s not hardwired in, just plugged into the port. I know I could remove it, but I’m not sure if finance companies also use those, since I didn’t finance through my own bank and went with Ally instead

Contact them and ask, OR just unplug it and they will contact you, except that if your sales contract did not include, specifically that this tracking device must be installed, you are not required to have it installed. They can't slide in that kind of stipulation on the side if it was not part of the sales contract. It'd have to be on something you signed.

I would say the rental car company left it in there.

I would just unplug it, and toss it in the glovebox.

We have plug in GPS modules in our company trucks. If one is unplugged, or has no power (like the truck battery is dead), someone from corporate will contact my boss asking what’s the deal. I think that happens within 14 days.
