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Half Doors


Master Apprentice
June 27, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Souderton, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
Ive always been envious of jeeps for their dang removable doors, so the time has come to make my own for the nice days. I had a set of doors laying around so I went ahead and cut out the guts. Im going to cut the outside from the upper hinge on an angle down untill its inline with the latch, if you can picture that. Im going to reskin the inside with aluminum or diamond plate or something and add some tubing or plate steel to reinforce the door, and make a sliding lever to open the door. Im going to cut the wires just inside by the parking brake pedal and splice in a new connector because the factory one is absolutly impossible to get to. I may also modify the hinges to allow the door to lift off/on. Even so, its only 2 bolts to take off the door as it is so its not to bad. Anways, its going to be a long prject, the hardest part will be getting the courage, and experience to do all the tiny little splices inside. Im also going to try and put in 2 speakers in each door, a nice mid and a tweeter aimed up.

Heres some naked door pics, more to follow.


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awsome ideal, im gona need update pics ;).. good luck :)

Sounds like a great project. If you continue to photo document and describe this process I'll give you an additional 3 months of Elite privledges. :thumbsup: Just be sure to PM me when you're done in case I miss the updates.


Awesome, I've thought about doing this, but I was figured I'd just build some nice tube doors instead(like Ricks). Who knows though...this might change my mind. :) Good luck.

thanks all, im definatly gonna stay updated. This weekend gonna plasmacut the rest and smooth out everything else. Also going to try and figureout some type of wiring harness. if anyone has a good idea let me know, im looking for a harness with the same amounts of wires, that connects by either a cotter pit or a screw in the middle, much like a 1st gen's PCM hookup. Acually, I may even rip out that harness and use that. it would have to many connections but thats not a problem.

Also curious, does anyone see a problem with the full doors not being there incase of a rollover?

Sounds like a cool build! :thumbsup:


Signing up for progress reports.

progress reports.... well im currently trying to figure out my final cut on the outside, then im going to measure for a piece of tubing to be run across the top and to the bottom as a brace, then alll that has to be done is make a latch and reskin it and paint.

then I have to try and redo the wiring.... :mad:

with some pic's would be great

no updates, im lazy and other projects take presedence. Im in the middle of a gear install, numerous wiring projects and getting ready to repaint the truck and do bedliner and rust protect coatings, so time is short.
