HELP! Capacitive Touch Sensor / FCIM | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP! Capacitive Touch Sensor / FCIM


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October 5, 2018
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Kansas City
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2011 Explorer Ltd
2011 Ford Explorer Ltd - hazards are coming on and won't shut off. Researching online - a dealer diagnosed this is a faulty Front Controls Interface Module (FCIM) and charged the owner almost $700. I don't buy it... I think the capacitive touch switch got moisture in it and is grounding / shorting out. Is there a way to simply disable "just" the hazards capacitive switch? I can't find anything online regarding where the FCIM is or how to fix this without going into the dealership, paying them to "diagnose" the problem then start replacing expensive, difficult to get to modules / parts until it is corrected. I would love to be able to just pull a fuse...or snip a wire to disable "just" the hazards. HELP?

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Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
In checking the 2011 Owner's Manual, there does not seem to be a fuse identified for the Hazard Switch. I did find this diagram in the 'Components' thread of the Forum. It seems that C2402 is what you are talking about.



Is there a way to bypass / disable the capacitive hazard switch / sensor?

The FCIM is the radio/hvac control panel that the hazard switch is on. Pick up a used one and it takes about 10 minutes to replace it if that. They do not require programming for the 11.

Can I replace my GB5Z-18842-HA with a GB5Z-18842-FF ??? I don't want to deal with this capacitive vs again...I want buttons.

The FCIM is the radio/hvac control panel that the hazard switch is on. Pick up a used one and it takes about 10 minutes to replace it if that. They do not require programming for the 11.
Might I be correct to assume no programming is required for '13? The dealer is hard selling that it's required.
