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How to: Turning stock corners to clear corners

I just did the clear thing the other night. I followed what hartman said to do and they came out great! Of course had i paid better attention, I wouldnt have scratched the silver side. I onlt put in one small scratch. I sealed them with loctite and they look awesome. This was suprisingly easy to do.

Now all i need are APC titans.
Thanks hartman.

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have you tried the Silverstar bulbs yet? Do they look ok when on/blinking? Thanks!
Great idea!

No I decided against the Silverstar turn signal bulbs. They make the lense look blue when they're off (which I hate). They flash amber just like the stock bulbs.

can someone tell me how to get the corner lense off of the truck? does it just snap in/out or are there screws somewhere? thanks.

To take out the corner....at least on a 1996:

The two plastic flaps above the headlights...flip them up.

There are two screws that are clearly holding in the lense...unscrew them.

Then just yank the thing out, it will take some force, but it will come out.

Then just unscrew the bulbs.

good luck.

is this possible with a 3rd gen? (02 sport)

it looks like the amber in my corner is actually part of the plastic.

Good question, Would like to try this on my 01 Sport if it is possible.

Just a random thought on an old thread.

Every one seems to have issues with their aftermarket clears going yellow in a few months.

As a response we remove the orange from the stockers for DIY clears.

Problem is that the reflector is a required thing by law. Hence why the white one is in clears, to make them DOT approved.

So when those clears go yellow why don't we pull those white reflectors out and swap them for the oranges in our higher quality factory housings?

It would hide any scrathes in the silver and the cut mark, as well as appearing to be DOT legal ;)

^^^^good idea

thats great! i think i can handle doing sumthin like this on my own..
-thanks! -sino

gonna attempt to do this to my black corners, I got them before they came out without the yellow reflectors..

thanks for the great idea, so ugly with the yellow blah

Does anyone know if you can do this mod on a 2003?

i know this is old but if you have any gaps in the peices when you silicon them back you can use some aluminum foil and place behind it the piece and it will shine through. it may help but i used it today when i did this and it came out pretty nice, cant tell its back there there isnt a clear gapping hole in the housing either.

i would want them if u take the orange reflecter of the corners like u did on the ones you u showed there as clear as the ones in the pics rite let me know man

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