I would appreciate everybody's votes on my Ryobi project. | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I would appreciate everybody's votes on my Ryobi project.

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i keep voting everyday trying to keep you in that # 1 position can you tell how many votes each project gets i tried but cant figure out how too.

Good Luck

Thanks for your support. I was trying to figure out how many votes I have but it always says 3 without updating.

I thinks thats the # of votes you have to use, not the # of votes on your...(I honestly dont even know what I voted for. I just know what you are going to win. ;))

Still at #1:chug:

Well, I've voted every day since my first post, so I know you have at least 11 votes :D

Got my vote in today:D

I came in 8th place. :( I was in 1st place for 2 weeks, so I don't know how that happened. It looks like the same contest is going on this month, so I'll have another chance. Please take the time to cast your vote, and thanks for your support. I wouldn't have made it this far without your help.

I wanted to post an update. Something is definitely fishy about this contest. My profile on Ryobi said that I was the previous winner. There is a link in that profile which says Hall of Fame. Clicking it sends me back to my submitted project, so it shows that I was the winner. For some unknown reason, they chose to disregard my project, and post another person as a winner in the Hall of Fame. After making a few phone calls over the last couple of weeks, I could see that they have no intention to contact me. Each time I speak to somebody, they forward me to another department with an answering machine or a secretary which asks me for my contact information. I suspect that this whole thing is a monthy scam to draw attention to their website to advertise their products. I didn't want to jump to conclusions at first, but it's very obvious now.

One last thing that I wanted to mention is that they sent me an email when I first submitted my project a few months ago saying that they will mail me a free Ryobi cap. I never got it either. I thank everybody on this site for their time & support to cast their votes.
