Just quoted $151 plus tax /rear hatch glass hinges | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just quoted $151 plus tax /rear hatch glass hinges


Elite Explorer
May 20, 2020
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2004 Explorer EB
Bingo, 2004 explorer EB. where can i find some affordable hinges?? Thanks in advance!!!


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Find the part number, and search for that online, on eBay, and any dealers you know that will give you a price break. You want a new hinge, but in any case, be sure to add a drop of blue loctite to the threads when you install both hinges again. Coming loose is what ruins the hinges, once the nut loosens it strips the stud/threads going into the hinge.


Simple and cheap and effective. Drill it out, use a bolt, nut, lock washer. I wasted money on one new hinge that did fail. Before, I drilled them both out.
Fixed and forgotten.

Drill, bits, tools and match up some some strong bolts and hardware that fit from lowes. Somebody to help you. Touch up with paint to blend with hinge. Might not be pretty. You can do it. Did it on my 98 Ex.

Good luck!


Morning, I will try drilling them out first. Thanks for the replies and the part numbers!!

keep smiling

Simple and cheap and effective. Drill it out, use a bolt, nut, lock washer. I wasted money on one new hinge that did fail. Before, I drilled them both out.
Fixed and forgotten.

Drill, bits, tools and match up some some strong bolts and hardware that fit from lowes. Somebody to help you. Touch up with paint to blend with hinge. Might not be pretty. You can do it. Did it on my 98 Ex.

Good luck!


2nd that, went through 2 sets of hinges that looked good, but the threads in the hinge pulled out. Drilled, bolted hit it with some flat black, no more issues.

I noticed you have 600k on your explorer.....I am definitely impressed!!!!!!!

I’m getting to the point that junkyard hinges are lasting 2-3 months, and the glass is popping out and scratching my paint at the worst possible times.

Had enough today. Drilled clear through the hinge. Used a 5/16” bit on the outside of the hinge to create for a countersink, and used a pair of 10-24 by 1-1/2” stainless steel flat head Phillips machine screws. The countersink made them flush with the hinge surface.

A dab of ultra black, sent them through, then a fender washer and nut on the inside. Torqued the hell out of them, then put a smear of ultra black over the head of the screw. You could paint it, but idgaf.

These things ain’t goin no where

^ Heh, inflation... Amazon now wants $47 for the Dorman's... but there are ebay sellers around $19, though ebay's vehicle fitment list doesn't show any vehicles older than 2002 so I can only assume it's the right part?:

I got the part number off of Dormans website by punching in the year make and model then looked it up on Amazon it’s where I got mine they fit and work perfectly

Here's the one that is shown for the 2nd gen Explorer hatch, Dorman 926-132;

eBay $42.95+tax,

or on Amazon $38.65+tax,

Amazon product ASIN B07N71PDQP
The shapes of the part numbers differ, these here say they match, and the top mounting stud is one size larger(1/4" hole).

Here's the one that is shown for the 2nd gen Explorer hatch, Dorman 926-132;

eBay $42.95+tax,

or on Amazon $38.65+tax,

Amazon product ASIN B07N71PDQP
The shapes of the part numbers differ, these here say they match, and the top mounting stud is one size larger(1/4" hole).


I’m getting to the point that junkyard hinges are lasting 2-3 months, and the glass is popping out and scratching my paint at the worst possible times.

Had enough today. Drilled clear through the hinge. Used a 5/16” bit on the outside of the hinge to create for a countersink, and used a pair of 10-24 by 1-1/2” stainless steel flat head Phillips machine screws. The countersink made them flush with the hinge surface.

A dab of ultra black, sent them through, then a fender washer and nut on the inside. Torqued the hell out of them, then put a smear of ultra black over the head of the screw. You could paint it, but idgaf.

These things ain’t goin no where

Little update. It’s been three years, and my machine screw solution is still holding solid on both hinges.

BUT, had the stock fastener on the glass side pull out. Annoying.

I gave them the same treatment, except using a 1-1/4” 10-24 machine screw. A 1” would probably be perfect. I used 3/16” fender washer between a nylon lock nut and the factory rubber washer. Holds the glass securely. Fixed!

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Little update. It’s been three years, and my machine screw solution is still holding solid on both hinges.

BUT, had the stock fastener on the glass side pull out. Annoying.

I gave them the same treatment, except using a 1-1/4” 10-24 machine screw. A 1” would probably be perfect. I used 3/16” fender washer between a nylon lock nut and the factory rubber washer. Holds the glass securely. Fixed!
will keep this in mind instead of JY hinges when the next one breaks (had one pop out on the road once... feared i was about to lose the window there haha)
