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k&n air kit


March 14, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Sport Trac Adrenalin
Anyone know if the K&N air intake kit part # 77-2573KP will fit a 2010 sport trac adrenalin with the 4.6L V8 3V???

Please help.


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I had similar questions about the K&N FIPK that fits the '08 models but not listed for the '09 or '10. From what I can tell nothing has changed, so I took a gamble and ordered the 63-2573 for my '10. I should have it Tues-Wed next week. Will keep you posted.

Thanks for replying. I also took a gamble, purchased the kit and installed it. Fits perfectly. What a difference in response. A little louder when you hammer the throttle but I like that. Enjoy the kit. It works!!!

where did you get it and how much was it ? Is it black plastic, or chrome ? I just want a black plastic.

Hi there, I got it at a local speed shop here in Canada. I paid $300 for it. It is the black plastic kit. Its supposed to make a little more hp than the chrome one.


I installed the black kit this past Saturday. Bought it off of Amazon.com for $250. Definitely makes my exhaust louder with the Magnaflow muffler I have installed already. It screams! Anyway, works great and already seeing increased mpgs.

anyone ever get an engine light due to a leaner a/f mixture ?

Everything is okay with mine. Over 300 miles on it and no problems.

K&N Cold Air Intake 63-2573

I just installed my K&N 63-2573 this past weekend in the '10 Adrenalin and didn't have any issues at all. The combined sound between the 50 Series Flowmaster and the intake is just mean. So far it looks like I am getting about a 2MPG increase which is awesome. Picked mine up for $250 online.

Intall Pics:







nice where did you get it for $250 ?

I wonder if the 57-2573 will work he same also. It's the same application for 06-07 Explorer V8 and I have seen it cheaper.

I got mine from a Top Rated seller on eBay $254 w/free shipping. Looked like the item was drop shipped direct from K&N.

On another note... Has anyone had any issues from Ford in regards to warranty and having the K&N FIPK installed? I have seen a few people comment about techs claiming the oil on the filter will cause problems with the MAF.

I have the same kit and no problems with the maf. The maf is actually mounted further away from the filter than stock.

On another note... Has anyone had any issues from Ford in regards to warranty and having the K&N FIPK installed? I have seen a few people comment about techs claiming the oil on the filter will cause problems with the MAF.

The service manager at the dealership here thought mine was cool. No issues so far.

On another note... Has anyone had any issues from Ford in regards to warranty and having the K&N FIPK installed? I have seen a few people comment about techs claiming the oil on the filter will cause problems with the MAF.

Just be careful to not over oil the filter and you shouldnt have any problems with the excess oil fouling the MAF. I think some people think the more oil the better but thats not the case. Use the spray on K&N air filter oil and you can spray a light coat on pretty evenly.

Anyone know the difference between the 63-2573 and the 57-2573? They look identical and the instructions are the same, but one is for the 2006-2007 V8 and the other for the 2008 V8. The reason I ask is because I can get the one for the 2008 $30 cheaper right now with free shipping on Amazon, but I have a 2007 and dont want to mess something up. I just wonder if the tube size for the maf changed or something small like that.
