Live data on a 93" negative fuel trims | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Live data on a 93" negative fuel trims


Well-Known Member
November 9, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Greensboro north Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Ford explorer xlt
I'm reading negative 13 fuel trim on bank 1 and negative 6 on bank 2 I'm running right on short term trims, checked fuel pressure regulator no gas in the vaccum line,, tested fuel pressure at the rail, ect tests fine, iat tested fine as well as along with the maf, only thing I can't rule out is the fuel injectors there new (remanufactured) when the truck starts the idle is normal at about 1200Rpms but then after a few seconds it'll jump down to 500 like it's in gear,
and idle rough and then jump back up to 1000 then after 1 or 2 minutes it'll start running kinda right but still idle a little rough there's gotta be something here that I'm missing I doubt the couple of mouth old injectors are leaking and the truck starts fine when warmed up

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Unplug the purple and white wire that connects to the scan tool connector. That being plugged in made my bank 1 sensor go all bonkers for the live data.

I am also assuming you have done your spark plugs, wires, and ignition coil. If you are cool with the dudes at your local autozone, you could buy a ICM, pop it in, see if it changes anything, then return it if it doesn't. They actually had one in stock at the store by my house, so It was no trouble grabbing one and returning it.

Unplug the purple and white wire that connects to the scan tool connector. That being plugged in made my bank 1 sensor go all bonkers for the live data.

I am also assuming you have done your spark plugs, wires, and ignition coil. If you are cool with the dudes at your local autozone, you could buy a ICM, pop it in, see if it changes anything, then return it if it doesn't. They actually had one in stock at the store by my house, so It was no trouble grabbing one and returning it.
I've done plugs wires coil and ixm all motor craft parts thinking my tps voltage is to high at 1 volt the stop screw has been altered before so I'm getting a new throttle body to put on

Idk of any scan tool able to read the fuel trims on a obd 1 explorer.... Seriously... Maybe your truck is a 94 Ive heard Ford made some upgrades for that year... maybe a 94 ltd came with a obd 2 port but idk otherwise how you got any actual data from that pcm.

Idk of any scan tool able to read the fuel trims on a obd 1 explorer.... Seriously... Maybe your truck is a 94 Ive heard Ford made some upgrades for that year... maybe a 94 ltd came with a obd 2 port but idk otherwise how you got any actual data from that pcm.
It's definitely a 1993 It's a bosh 1300

Idk of any scan tool able to read the fuel trims on a obd 1 explorer.... Seriously... Maybe your truck is a 94 Ive heard Ford made some upgrades for that year... maybe a 94 ltd came with a obd 2 port but idk otherwise how you got any actual data from that pcm.
I have gotten the Bosch 1300 to read live data on both a 93, and 94. I haven't tried a 91 or 92, however the tool shows there are PIDs for the 91 and 92.
