My New 86 Bronco 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My New 86 Bronco 11


New Member
June 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Kirkland, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
1986 Bronco 11 4x4
Hello everyone, I just bought this 86 B2 for $150. It needed a tranny. It also has a new paint job on it to..Also has 33x12.50 wheels with a lift on it..
Anyway you all seem pretty smart and I'm glad I found this sight, So I thought I would ask you all if there is anyway to find info on how to put the linkage back together. Also there is some metal vacuum lines that I can't figure out either. Other than that she is all ready to go. I bought it and I'm fixing it up for my son. He is all excited and he's been really learning a lot and enjoying working on it.
I will post some pics as soon as I figure out how to it..
Anyway great site and will enjoy getting to know you all soon..

To put pics up go to and make an account, then upload your pics to that and copy the imge link and paste it in here. :thumbsup:
