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Wanted ox lockers

Parts or services wanted


Elite Explorer
March 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Ashland Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Xlt 4x4
How can I figure out what ox lockers I need for my 05 xlt or is there a set at all thanks I dont know gears and axle stuff

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Well the 2002-2005 have a 31 spline 8.8 IRS in the back. In front it's a dana super 30. Maybe you can call the company that makes the Ox locker and ask them if it will work with those.

We know that an Aussie lunchbox locker will work for sure in the rear with modification. And we are about to find out about the ARB for the rear also. It would be cool to know about the Ox...so let us know if you fund out.

Also on a side note I've never heard of a fx4 explorer..... please explain thank-you

Also on a side note I've never heard of a fx4 explorer..... please explain thank-you

no such thing... some of us put the stickers on it! There was the nbx explorer which was supposed to be more tuned for off road...........

I wouldn't assume the 8.8 would work. I would call them and ask...or if you do buy it check to see if your axleshafts fit into it and be prepared to return it if they don't. Although the IRS 8.8 and straight axle 8.8 share a lot of parts there are some differences. The axle shafts themselves, for example. Not only do the IRS axles not taper where they go into the differential but they are not held in with C-clips like the straight axle version.

Thanks for the info the main thing I.want from a fx4 is skid plates
