pics with scorpion zeros | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pics with scorpion zeros

here's a pic with the 275/55/17 scorpion zeros i bought from trckmagik a few months ago. i have more new pics too if you interested check out my pictures in the elite explorer gallery or my home page.

btw- thanks trckmagik the tires are great and you gave me a very fair deal.


  • frontscorpionzero.jpg
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looks good man. youre gonna love em - everyone who has them does, including me

Glad my tires went to a good home. :D

You guys have any opinions on Kumho Ecsta STX tires? I need replacements for my Scorpion S/T's ASAP....

scorpion s/t

hey did you like the scorpion sts? I am looking for a good M/S tire for 18's but there aren't that many that i can find.

I love my scorpion zeros. They wear like iron... unless your toe is out 25* :(

my toes all point straight ahead..........................sorry, you set 'em up, and ill knock 'em down :D

they are great tires! ride is quiet, they track reasonably straight over bumps yet turn in is awesome, they have great traction on wet or dry pavement as well as mud (we'll see about a little snow here soon) and they look really great.

:thumbsup: Very nice.


... cobra sidebadges????

are you being an a$$ about them?

just givin ya a lil **** is all:p
its a nice truck

good. you know that its poised for a 1/4 time in the 14s with my latest mods (baumann, new bigger mass air, and colder ambient temperatures here in mn) my old best and only times were 15.3s, but that was on a really hot and humid day. hope thats fast enough that i'm not just a ricer?

heh low 15's high 14's is pretty good for an SUV
i needed something faster then the old explorer though, thas why i bought the stang...
i miss the explorer though. it wasnt as fast but was much more useful,comfortable, better gas milage etc....
oh well.
i want to buy another one..

i want to buy an unmodified fox body so i can make it do my evil bidding... but its just not practical here in minnesota so i've got to settle for the semi-fast, but very driveable explorer.

i found my fox for $4k unmodded.
i love the mustang. i just want something as a daily driver....

yeah, i read about when you found it. i'm jealous! too bad that by the time i have enough money to have two vehicles (so i can have one of those to play with) most of them will be junk so it will be really hard to find one.
