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Question about Sirius


March 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 XLT
My explorer came with 6 months free Sirius. I assumed that there was a Sirius tuner somewhere and that when I got my new HU I would simply plug in in and continue happily with my free Sirius Subscription. According to what I have been reading, it looks like I may have been wrong in that assumption.

Is the Sirius Tuner Built in to the stock HU?

What will I need to continue using my Sirius on my new radio? (I purchased a Panasonic CQ -VD6503U) and if I need to buy a new tuner can I still use the factory antenna?

Thanks for all your help.

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You will need a new tuner and antenna. The new tuner comes with an antenna.

New tuner = new subscription. That's how it works.

New tuner = new subscription. That's how it works.

Figured as much...bummer.

But there's no way I can utilize the existing antenna? It's a nice clean install on the roof and I would hate to have to run a new one.

Figured as much...bummer.

But there's no way I can utilize the existing antenna? It's a nice clean install on the roof and I would hate to have to run a new one.

I tried that, the plugs don't match up. There is a locking plastic plug on the Stock antenna wire while the 3rd party units seem to always have a metal connector.


To those who are interested. I finally got around to installing my new tuner. Here is what happened.

I was not able to transfer the sub. So I had to open a new account.

The good news is I was able to use my factory antenna! There was a plastic piece on the antenna plug as wharriso said. However the plastic cover could be easily removed by depressing some tabs. once remove it exposed the connector which plugged right into my new tuner. Perfect reception!

I have a stock 07 radio and tuner for sale. with 4 months free sirius left on it!

To those who are interested. I finally got around to installing my new tuner. Here is what happened.

I was not able to transfer the sub. So I had to open a new account.

The good news is I was able to use my factory antenna! There was a plastic piece on the antenna plug as wharriso said. However the plastic cover could be easily removed by depressing some tabs. once remove it exposed the connector which plugged right into my new tuner. Perfect reception!

I have a stock 07 radio and tuner for sale. with 4 months free sirius left on it!

Chris_FL, I'm glad you were able to reuse that antenna. I think I'll try that myself if I ever pull that dash apart again. Thanks!

Sorry sold it a while back, but I still see plenty for sale on ebay from time to time

Man, I hope that after removing the plastic housing that the stock antenna will match up to my new Kenwood unit. The little magnetic module that came with it is FUGLY.

Man, I hope that after removing the plastic housing that the stock antenna will match up to my new Kenwood unit. The little magnetic module that came with it is FUGLY.

I'm sure it will. But I read you, it would be a shame not to take advantage of a super cleean antenna install!
