Rear Axle Oil Seal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Axle Oil Seal


Explorer Addict
August 21, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Mission, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hey guys,
After spending around $600 on my Ex this week (new e-brake pads in the back, rear disc brake seal, tranny fluid/filter, alternator) my mechanic tells me that my rear shocks are leaking and the rear axle seal is leaking as well. I'm strictly a rookie at car maintenance but it seems like I could handle the shock replacement, based on my Haynes manual and the install guide in "useful threads." What's a good guess on the cost for getting the rear axle seal repaired? Thanks guys..

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If you are referring to the pinion seal, its an easy DIY job.

Ok...the mechanic just said "rear axle seal." There's a few things he could be referring to then right?

Here is a view of the rear end.....


  • rear end.gif
    rear end.gif
    25 KB · Views: 11,017

could he be referring to the oil seal?

BTW Al, I read your gas mileage threads with interest and before I drove back to school from home (600 miles), I put in a K&N filter and then drove the trip at 65 mph. My mileage went from around 16 to 20...I'm extremely happy about it. Not quite 33 but an improvement for my gas sucking Ex. :)

nobody with any ideas?? please!

He is probably refering to #6. Mine went bad after my E brake locked up. You are certainly going to feel bad if you do this and paid someone $600 to do the brakes.

Differential cover must be removed.
Bolt 13 and keeper bar is is removed.
Press in axle and remove clip 12.
Pull out axle (drum and wheel removed prior).
Pry out seal 6.
Press in new seal and reverse steps.
Reaseal cover with silicone and refill.

If you are thinking of putting in a new bearing while you are at it, better have a big mother slide clamp. These are almost a nightmare. Never had a bearing come out that hard and have heard the same from others.

I *need* to replace the rear bearing seals this weekend because its bleeding pretty bad on one side (so might as well replace them both). For those who have done this, about how long does one seal take to replace? Thanks in advance!
