Removing Traction Control, I Hope | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing Traction Control, I Hope


Well-Known Member
April 19, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Grand Junction, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
08 Explorer XLT V8
So some of you saw my post about the Diablosport iTune i got a last year. Love it so far and love there support.

I got to thinking about Traction control and how back in my days of modding and tuning Bonneville SSEi's and all the stuff you can turn off in the PCM i thought maybe Diablosport can do the same. So i emailed them and what do you know, They can.

Now i asked if they could just change the 25MPH to like 40MPH but they cant. All they can do is fully turn it off int he tune. They can not change the way the button works either.

So i went ahead and gave them my last custom tune file so they could add the TC turn off. I got the file and i will play around with it this weekend and see how it works and if it truly does turn off ALL the break and engine TC.

What do the rest of you think? I know if it does fully turn it all the way off i will loose that nice fake lockers of TC for 4x4ing but that just might make me get some real lockers or LSD.

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That's pretty cool, but why not just pull the ABS fuse when you want to mess about and stick it back when you're done?

because he has a tuner and he does not need to pull a fuse... personally I only need TC turned off if I get stuck in the snow... i needed it off the other day when we got hit with 18" in 24 hours

That's pretty cool, but why not just pull the ABS fuse when you want to mess about and stick it back when you're done?

1: that is not always the best way to turn off TC because sometimes you still need or want ABS.

2: That doesn't turn off engine TC, just breaks.

3: i have a tuner lol. always better to do stuff that way.

But i do want to put a switch in to turn off ABS when on ice or slippery mud.
Just ABS is nice for high speed stops on snow and ice. keeps you going in a straight line.

But yea i mostly want this off because at least 10 times now when having fun on dirt roads or in the snow iv been power sliding and try to power slide to make it around a corner and BAM! computer goes no thats not safe and cuts the power and next thing i know im heading toward a ditch or a tree or a car. when it comes to sliding and car control i am way smarter then any computer. ABS... well that can think faster then my foot can react sometimes unless your talking going 5MPH on ice and you cant stop... then yea that T's me off. lol

Thank you for the info. I want to eliminate it on my 06 because yes on the snow and ice where I live it has almost got me into an accident a few times. It’s awful on snowy roads.
