How to: - Repairing window motors on 93 sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Repairing window motors on 93 sport

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April 8, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Brighton, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer
Since I haven’t seen a full walk thru… I’ll post what I did to fix my window motor on my 93 sport.
The first video is what it was doing before..
Don’t forget to tape the window up so it doesn’t fall. Thanks for the tip From someone on Facebook.
First things first, take the door panel off, pull back the white plastic sheet. You’re going to want to remove the speaker for more access, 4 Phillips screws. Find the 7/16 bolt and unscrew that but we’ll come back to it later. Use the small access holes to get the smaller 8mm screws that hold the motor in place. Once you have these out, unless you have super still hands you may cause these to fall in the door. Don’t worry, super easy to find. Next you want to drill / punch those rivets out.
Now back to the 7/16 bolt you screwed out, push that end back into the door to expose more of the motor. Once that’s pushed out you’ll see the last 8mm bolt holding the motor in. It’ll take some time but will eventually come free. Don’t forget to unclip it from the harness.
The motor will more than likely fall, just fish it out of the door. There’s one star bit that holds the cover on it, pry it off and then you’re more than likely see the destroyed nylon bits that once held the motor together. I just put nuts in there (not sure if it’s the correct fix but it does the job) close it up and put everything back in. Might be tricky to line it all up but once I lined the holes up and made sure it wasn’t moving it was in the grooves.
Overall it was a pain in the ass since you have little room to work but not too terrible of a job.

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Nice writeup. I set you up with an Elite membership for your contribution:chug:

You don't need to remove the rivets unless you are going to replace the regulator. The 3rd bolt for the motor is under the little round dimple to the right of the upper bolt. You drill a hole there to expose the bolt head. Way easier to just unbolt the motor than deal with getting the regulator back into place. Before you completely remove the bolts you can use a stick or whatever else is handy to prop the regulator up so it doesn't drop.

The motor has a common issue of eating the delrin bushings. There are 3 for each motor. The motors last forever, but the bushings go out. There are replacements like these

You don't need to remove the rivets unless you are going to replace the regulator. The 3rd bolt for the motor is under the little round dimple to the right of the upper bolt. You drill a hole there to expose the bolt head. Way easier to just unbolt the motor than deal with getting the regulator back into place. Before you completely remove the bolts you can use a stick or whatever else is handy to prop the regulator up so it doesn't drop.
Good to know… if I have to do it again I’ll have to try it this way. This was my first attempt and I am a noob lol

My son and I did a couple of window motors on my '94 Ranger and the motor had to have spacers added to center the gear. We didn't do this on the passenger's side and when the window comes up or down it skips.

You don't need to remove the rivets unless you are going to replace the regulator. The 3rd bolt for the motor is under the little round dimple to the right of the upper bolt. You drill a hole there to expose the bolt head. Way easier to just unbolt the motor than deal with getting the regulator back into place. Before you completely remove the bolts you can use a stick or whatever else is handy to prop the regulator up so it doesn't drop.

The motor has a common issue of eating the delrin bushings. There are 3 for each motor. The motors last forever, but the bushings go out. There are replacements like these
I've bought from that very vendor.

@Eppsauce. I did the same thing when i did my first explorer window motor. Finding out about drilling the hole came from this forum. Thanks for posting!
