Replacement A pillar exterior trim options? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacement A pillar exterior trim options?


July 12, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Sport
The passenger side A-pillar flew off our 2017 Sport on the wife's way home from work today. It's been replaced once already. The driver side one is lifting towards the top and is missing portion of the rubber seal along the windshield.

I'd like to replace tbe both. Is there a preferred replacement that includes the backing and the rubber gasket? I purchased the previous one from the local dealer, but windered if there was a better option out there.

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I don't know if you've seen this thread/post; Explorer 'A' pillar replacement
Was it replaced by the dealer before? All the plastic clips that hold the piece on also have to be replaced.


I replaced it myself. I don't recall the part number though. I was wondering if there was a specific part that included everything.

I replaced it myself. I don't recall the part number though. I was wondering if there was a specific part that included everything.
I don't believe there is anything similar to a replacement 'kit' which I believe you are referring to. When you ordered the part, did the plastic clips come with it? Ford didn't include them initially but now does according to posts I've read.


I believe the replacement came with clips when I bought it. I ended up buying the Dorman part from Rock Auto today. It'll be here on Tuesday.
