Right front blinker problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Right front blinker problem


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June 20, 2013
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2007 Explorer
I get a check RF blinker on the dash so I changed the bulb out with no luck. The fuse is good and the connection seems to be clean and dry. The blinker bulb still won't work. The rear blinker light works just fine although it blinks faster than normal. Any ideas as to what might be going on?

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You will need to track down why that socket is not getting power or if its not getting grounded properly and not lighting up as it should. Check the socket and then trace the wires from there back till you find the grounds make sure they are all clean and corrosion free.

I get a check RF blinker on the dash so I changed the bulb out with no luck. The fuse is good and the connection seems to be clean and dry. The blinker bulb still won't work. The rear blinker light works just fine although it blinks faster than normal. Any ideas as to what might be going on?

Here's some troubleshooting from the factory manuals.


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Rf blinker

I noticed when I have the headlights on the right front blinker bulb is on but will not blink when the turn signal lever is engaged for right blinker. I tried chasing the wires to a ground but that was nearly impossible.

Rf blinker

I noticed when I have the headlights on the right front blinker bulb is on but will not blink when the turn signal lever is engaged for right blinker. I tried chasing the wires to a ground but that was nearly impossible.

i’m having the same issue opposite side. Figure it out?
