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Explorer Addict
November 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Limited
As you may or may not know, Toyota created another car company called Scion. I was wondering what everyone here thinks of these things.

Personally, I don't care for 'em. It's like they roll off the assembly line just screaming, "I am ghetto trash, deck me out in performance parts that don't perform, giant wings to keep me glued down and lots of stickers to make me zoom!" They do come with some interesting options though, like seat lighting, and color coordinated remotes. Too bad they don't have an optional whistling tailpipe.

The "xA"


The "xB"


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Kind of an interesting vehicle when you put them into the strata they're meant to be in. They're meant to be a type of city runabout, easy to park, affordable and reliable.

They're going to start at under $16,000 and the base price includes rims and a head unit which you choose at the dealership when you buy the vehicle. They already have power everything and I believe all of the options are all dealer installed. The only thing done at the factory is color.

It's an interesting concept. I'll give 'em that.

both ugly!

They're made to maximize space on the inside when minimizing space on the outside. The styling by defininition has to come second, the vehicles are literally designed around the cabin.

I have seen plenty of pictures of the xB and always thought it was a cool looking van-like car thing. I saw one in a parking lot today and gave it a good walk around. Call it what you want but I think that is a nice looking car. It does not look cheap by anymeans, and I have to say it is quite stylish. Over all I would have to say if my ladies car ever dies the scion xB is on the list of considerations.
