Sparksafly'n for sale again | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sparksafly'n for sale again


Well-Known Member
June 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Springfield, Mo.
Year, Model & Trim Level
88 ranger 96 ex 5.0 2wd
Sparksafly'n for sale SOLD!!!

Well with Heart felt lose i must re-list Sparksafly-n's Explorer as i have been informed that the place i have called home for 24 years has been sold and i'm waiting for the new owner to ask me to move and won't have room to take it with me and i haven't heard back from det107 that wanted to buy Mark's rig yet so here we go again.

Due to health reasons I am posting for my best friend, and brother, this very capable truck for your consideration

Many you know this but in case you are not familiar-
1992 eddie bauer
4.0 ohv engine was replaced with a '96 long block
36" iroks
456 gears
F&R locking differentials
Shortened HP D44 front axle (Yukon shaft in passenger side)
Wild Horse 5.5 Coils
rear Explorer 8.8
wristed radius arm
off road armor type bumpers and rock sliders
warn 9.5ti winch
60 extreme hi lift jack
Johnson cb radio

Things needing attention:
The front heims seem noisy
+Battery cable has seen better days. The copper wire inside looks patina color-brown and old.

This is an off road rig which shows it's bruises. However, for the last 3 years or so it has been used for driving around the roads of southeast Kansas. It has been wheeled a few times since Mark has owned it, but he was still learning, and really didn't beat it real hard. I'll throw in more pictures as I have time, but just to show you what this truck is capable of, here is it's previous owner, FROADER, pushing it hard, back in the day--


Ford Explorer up the waterfall at Truckhaven



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Told a couple of my friends who need wheeling rigs

I think it sold locally..

PM sent !! I am definitely buying this rig-

Sale is pending for a sunday pick-up from Brad's friend Clint
if not Det107 i will call your cell or Text You

Glad to hear.

So, Clint bought this?

That is what his name is, don't know if it's the same person but he said he was at smorrs with Brad for halloween Jon

Atleast it'll be kept in the extended family. LOL

After going to Jon's yesterday to drop my wheels off, I was thinking on my way back if this rig were to go up for sale, I'd see if I could convince the wife to let me pick it up. Oddly enough, decided to search through your post since I saw you in the powder coat thread and bam, rig is for sale!

If this pops back up for sale in the Fall, please send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Cliff- yes he was at 1st Smorr expo run with me in green 4dr explorer

I think i remember( Clint ) Brad, but i see to many people any more at work so it's hard to put a face with the name right now lol

I know feeling, so bad with names

Sale is done, Cliff is a happy camper i beleive, We got SPARKS loaded up and tied down and she was on her way to the new diggs. sorry to let Sparks go but i had no choise right now as i won't have the room, The guy i'm going to rent from is already thinking i have to many rigs at 4 now. but he doesn't know about the other 3 my family is driving daily :D:D:D and i junked 4 this month

THANK YOU BRAD !!!!!! :wavey::wavey::wavey::wavey:

Your The Man Buddy, thanks for saving SPARKS from the crusher :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

He is happy, I think gunna give it some love and TLC, then we have some challenges for it to try.... :) In time he may be game for wheeling runs, we're thinking more and more about trip to Flat Nastys
