Speedo recalibrating | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Speedo recalibrating


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Cameron Park, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XLT
After the 36" tires and 5.13's my speedo is off by a lot. When I'm on the freeway its past 85 so theres really no telling how fast I really am going. It seems like I have heard if I get a new speedo gear with a different amount of teeth it will make up for the off speedometer. The question I have is how do I calculate the amount of teeth I need on the new gear?

I have also wanted to know how to do this too
I am doin 80km /H on the highway passing people....
But I am on a BII with 35's and 375 gears...

each tooth on the gear = 5mph i believe. i went to the ford stealership and they 're idiots and didnt even know what i was talking about. a good way to figure your actual speed is to get a hold of a GPS unit. those give incredibly accurate speed readings. there's also web sites that will do the calculations for you if you search google. the thing is the faster you go the more off ur speedometer is off. at low mph it's usualy pretty close but the faster you go it can get to 5, 10, 15 mph off.
