Tuning Options | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tuning Options

Jim Kechely

May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT 4x4
A few things to touch on here. Now, I know there are a handful of programmers out there for 4th Gens but has anyone tuned using HPTuners? I spoke yesterday with a local tuner that confirmed 4th Gens are on the program's supported vehicle list and that he'd be glad to tune my 4.0 for gas mileage and power using premium fuel. I'm wondering though if HPTuners can modify Advance Trac parameters, more specifically the part where it'll reengage (once manually disengaged for 4WD use) all traction/safety systems after the vehicle exceeds 25mph. Anyone know of any experience with this? Thanks!

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only thing a tuner will do for your 4.0 is take money from you and maybe shorten the life on the 5r55 timebomb.... not much to be gained to justify the price for pure snake oil

only thing a tuner will do for your 4.0 is take money from you and maybe shorten the life on the 5r55 timebomb.... not much to be gained to justify the price for pure snake oil

What's wrong with the 5r55? Excuse my ignorance, I'm still new to these vehicles.

its the weak link in fords transmission chain..... several parts are questionable to break after 100k with out any notice at all, there is probably 100's of threads on the nightmare tranny on this forum alone..... from torque converter to reverse band its all scary

its the weak link in fords transmission chain..... several parts are questionable to break after 100k with out any notice at all, there is probably 100's of threads on the nightmare tranny on this forum alone..... from torque converter to reverse band its all scary

Is there a preventative fix, overhaul, or upgrade to stop this from happening?

The issues with the 5R55 series transmissions aren't quite as epidemic as forum people make them out to be. I have two vehicles with 5R55 transmissions, both high mileage (172K and almost 190K) and both run flawlessly. And in all honesty, yeah I have done the odd fluid and filter change on both but I have by no means been a maintenance Nazi with either of them.

Yes, they do have problems. No, they aren't the stoutest transmission Ford ever made. But the issues you hear on this or any other forum for any vehicle are not always a representative sample of the whole of what's actually out there in the world. Here, you have a few hundred people complaining about a particular issue that they have in common. If these people and their problems were representative of the hundreds of thousands of Explorers or whatever vehicle in question out there on the road, then you would likely see one on the shoulder of the highway every 3 to 5 miles.

My advice... Do regular fluid and filter changes. Every 25 or 30K. Just pan and filter, don't flush and replace the entire 13 or whatever quarts of fluid all at once. Higher mileage transmissions don't like that. Doing the above is pretty much doing the best you can, and nobody can ask you for more than that. The transmission may outlast the rest of the truck, or it might take a **** next week. But that's kinda what high mileage transmissions do...

As far as your tuning questions regarding the parameters HP can modify and to what extent, it is probably best directed toward them.

The issues with the 5R55 series transmissions aren't quite as epidemic as forum people make them out to be. I have two vehicles with 5R55 transmissions, both high mileage (172K and almost 190K) and both run flawlessly. And in all honesty, yeah I have done the odd fluid and filter change on both but I have by no means been a maintenance Nazi with either of them.

Yes, they do have problems. No, they aren't the stoutest transmission Ford ever made. But the issues you hear on this or any other forum for any vehicle are not always a representative sample of the whole of what's actually out there in the world. Here, you have a few hundred people complaining about a particular issue that they have in common. If these people and their problems were representative of the hundreds of thousands of Explorers or whatever vehicle in question out there on the road, then you would likely see one on the shoulder of the highway every 3 to 5 miles.

My advice... Do regular fluid and filter changes. Every 25 or 30K. Just pan and filter, don't flush and replace the entire 13 or whatever quarts of fluid all at once. Higher mileage transmissions don't like that. Doing the above is pretty much doing the best you can, and nobody can ask you for more than that. The transmission may outlast the rest of the truck, or it might take a **** next week. But that's kinda what high mileage transmissions do...

I'm just a hair under 99,000 miles right now. I've only had it for less than two months and have been knocking out upkeep as much as possible. Everything but the transmission has been serviced including a new wheel bearing up front. It runs like a dream now.

As far as your tuning questions regarding the parameters HP can modify and to what extent, it is probably best directed toward them.

I'm assuming you mean direct it at HPTuners software? Well, I know from tuning previous vehicles that it can adjust any parameter in the ECM/TCM (assuming it's a vehicle with separate computers). Really, anything the CANBUS filters data through can be touched I guess.
I simply just want to increase the traction control reengagement setting from 25mph to a bit higher. I also don't want RSC kicking in when I'm trying to pin the throttle going down a muddy back road. Momentum is key in some aspects of off-roading. I just want more control over those safety features off road (don't get me wrong, it's great for crawling over Rocky or loose terrain I'm sure, but not mud.)
