What type of adhesive for head gaskets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What type of adhesive for head gaskets


Well-Known Member
July 5, 2015
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2003 Ford Explorer XLT
So I'm now going to replace all of my gaskets, head gasket lower and upper intake manifold gaskets, valve cover gaskets and was wondering what type of adhesive can I use to make sure the gaskets hold in place? I've heard not to use RTV so I'm not sure.

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Should not need any.

Use all Fel-Pro gaskets.

I bought a complete engine gasket set from eBay for a good price so I will probably need something to glue it down while I screw the housings back in place. Any recommendations?

I bought a complete engine gasket set from eBay for a good price so I will probably need something to glue it down while I screw the housings back in place. Any recommendations?

I've never needed anything like that but I've only done this stuff on my Probe and not my Exp. It had studs on a lot of stuff which held the gaskets lined up properly and as for the headgasket there were alignment pin things on two of the bolt holes on the block to keep that one aligned.

You might be ok with generic gaskets on the little stuff but I would use nothing but Fel-Pro for the heads.

Developed to seal in the repair environment, under these less than factory-perfect conditions, these Fel-Pro MLS gaskets have many unique features that are more forgiving than other designs and accommodate surface irregularities up to 60 Ra (360 Rz)

Old bush mechanics method of 'sealing' head gaskets was to spay both sides of the head gasket with a few coats of fake chrome / silver pressure pack paint. Let them tack off before fitting onto the block mounting face / dowels & sitting the heads on top.

You might be ok with generic gaskets on the little stuff but I would use nothing but Fel-Pro for the heads.

A sentiment I whole heatedly agree with ... having to do this job more than ONCE on a SOHC 4.6 is a whole lot more work than doing so on an older design, push rod engine.

For my 5c worth ... I'd sell the generic gaskets you got on eBay ... and buy some Fel-Pro MLS gaskets so you only have to do this job ONCE !!! :D

Old bush mechanics method of 'sealing' head gaskets was to spay both sides of the head gasket with a few coats of fake chrome / silver pressure pack paint. Let them tack off before fitting onto the block mounting face / dowels & sitting the heads on top.

A sentiment I whole heatedly agree with ... having to do this job more than ONCE on a SOHC 4.6 is a whole lot more work than doing so on an older design, push rod engine.

For my 5c worth ... I'd sell the generic gaskets you got on eBay ... and buy some Fel-Pro MLS gaskets so you only have to do this job ONCE !!! :D

Exactly. As I quoted before Fel-Pro are designed for the repair environment. To use the regular OEM gaskets one needs to pull and machine the block side too and put the heads on in a machine shop outside of the vehicle.

When I replaced the head on my car I used FelPro and only cleaned the block the best I could with a razor scraper. 10K+ miles later it's all still great and that car has a turbo so that HG is under even more stress than normal.

Exactly. As I quoted before Fel-Pro are designed for the repair environment. To use the regular OEM gaskets one needs to pull and machine the block side too and put the heads on in a machine shop outside of the vehicle.

When I replaced the head on my car I used FelPro and only cleaned the block the best I could with a razor scraper. 10K+ miles later it's all still great and that car has a turbo so that HG is under even more stress than normal.

Ok I'll go Felpro, I hope the seller on Ebay takes back the set I bought I'll just mail it back and ask for a refund. OOOHH Crap let me see the return policy from this seller just thought of that.

Ok I'll go Felpro, I hope the seller on Ebay takes back the set I bought I'll just mail it back and ask for a refund. OOOHH Crap let me see the return policy from this seller just thought of that.

Just initiate the return though ebay.

$111.79 Fel-Pro HS9293PT2 http://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=446679

If you have Amazon Prime, $117.78 and will probably get to you faster: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000C2CH48/

Also don't forget you're supposed to replace the head bolts.

FEL-PRO ES72171 times two.



Before you go through too much trouble, post the listing for the gasket set you bought.

Just initiate the return though ebay.

$111.79 Fel-Pro HS9293PT2 http://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=446679

If you have Amazon Prime, $117.78 and will probably get to you faster: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000C2CH48/

Also don't forget you're supposed to replace the head bolts.

FEL-PRO ES72171 times two.



Damn Tech Guru you know where to find the best prices. I got that Catalytic from them I guess they have the best prices. Thanks! Your info is much appreciated. Damn gotta love these forums where we help each other out. Screw the dealerships that charge 8x more for the same work.
