window bounces back will not stay up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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window bounces back will not stay up


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2020
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Ford Explorer XLT
Driver window on the 2020 explorer randomly when rolled down and you roll it up with the auto up, will hit the top, then bounce back down. This used to happen once a month, and now is about once a week.
Most the time a "reset" will get it working again. I have also lightly raised the window (not auto) and let go before the top top and then after a few car cycles it seems fine again.
I assume this is the window/door pcb, but was curious if anyone had this issue as well. I need to call for warranty but without it happening all the time or reproducible they have been a pita to get to replace things.

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Mine does this. Run it all the way up and hold for ten seconds, then all the way down and hold ten seconds. Often takes a few times.

Driver window on the 2020 explorer randomly when rolled down and you roll it up with the auto up, will hit the top, then bounce back down. This used to happen once a month, and now is about once a week.
Most the time a "reset" will get it working again. I have also lightly raised the window (not auto) and let go before the top top and then after a few car cycles it seems fine again.
I assume this is the window/door pcb, but was curious if anyone had this issue as well. I need to call for warranty but without it happening all the time or reproducible they have been a pita to get to replace things.
Have you checked the window channel near the top to make sure there isn't a part that might 'bind' the glass?


Bad DCM. Mine was doing the exact same thing. Record it on you phone because you may not be able to reproduce it at the dealer. I had to show them the video for them to actually dive into it. It does not throw a fault code so Ford will not authorize a repair unless it cn be reproduce. they replaced the DCM and been fine since.

Have you checked the window channel near the top to make sure there isn't a part that might 'bind' the glass?

everything looks clear. It has done this on/off since purchase.
Bad DCM. Mine was doing the exact same thing. Record it on you phone because you may not be able to reproduce it at the dealer. I had to show them the video for them to actually dive into it. It does not throw a fault code so Ford will not authorize a repair unless it cn be reproduce. they replaced the DCM and been fine since.
THIS is what I'm looking for. Thank you. I'll get it on video and bring it in again. looks like "used" DCM's are ~$100 on ebay etc

I've been reading about this issue. I just started having it on my 2021 Explorer. Whether I do it without the auto switch or with the auto up switch the window always acts like it is hitting something at the top and goes back down. I've tried the reset multiple times and way and I'm guessing I'm doing the reset wrong, but I'm wondering does the reset work if the window rolls down every time you hold the switch in the up position? I'm going to try to lube the channel along the window just to see if that helps and feel if there is anything else at the top that the window thinks it is hitting. Any other suggestions? What's the best type of lube for the window channels that you all would suggest?

...................................... What's the best type of lube for the window channels that you all would suggest?
I haven't had the issue and honestly haven't checked the tracks to see what they are made of. I think I'd be hesitant to put any kind of "lube" on the channels. I think that would end up attracting dirt and debris. Also, if the window goes to the very top before reversing, to me it's an indication that the window channel isn't the problem.


I've been reading about this issue. I just started having it on my 2021 Explorer. Whether I do it without the auto switch or with the auto up switch the window always acts like it is hitting something at the top and goes back down. I've tried the reset multiple times and way and I'm guessing I'm doing the reset wrong, but I'm wondering does the reset work if the window rolls down every time you hold the switch in the up position? I'm going to try to lube the channel along the window just to see if that helps and feel if there is anything else at the top that the window thinks it is hitting. Any other suggestions? What's the best type of lube for the window channels that you all would suggest?
Can't find a newer thread on this,

Has anyone gotten anywhere with this issue? I believe I read somewhere it was the window switch actuator but I can not seem to locate that one anymore.

I have had this happen on my front passenger window for a few years now but only when it is really warm out (85*+). Sometimes it will correct on its own, other times I need to use the passenger swich to get it to close, other times even I need to turn car off and restart.

Happened to my driver side the other day for the first time as well.

Had a video for dealer but they said unless it does it there, they can not do anything....

Have you checked to see if there is any binding near the top of the window rails? Is it possible that with increased temperatures there might be some expansion?

