Wiring diagrams are needed for an Aerostar to a Ranger engine swap. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wiring diagrams are needed for an Aerostar to a Ranger engine swap.


New Member
July 18, 2014
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Pleasant Garden N.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1989 Ranger
Need help on my ongoing project. I have a 1989 Ranger 2wd that I pulled out the worn out 2.9L/auto transmission, put a 1993 Aerostar 3.0L auto transmission in its place. In doing this swap, you have to replace the computer, and wiring harness with the Aerostar setup. I'm trying to find the wiring diagram of the computer pinpoint so I can correctly wire the Aerostar computer and combine it with the Ranger harness. I've already taken the old computer and wiring out. I've been all over the internet trying to find the correct diagram with little luck. Aerostars make great donor vehicles on many different applications. I just need to get this Ranger going. I can't haul lumber, and car parts in my wife's Buick Park Avenue. My 1950 Ford F-1 project is nowhere near road ready. Any help would be appreciated!

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wiring swap

I thought about that, but the fuse box block is completely different between the two. I've got most of the wiring swap completed, but just have a few wires left to figure out. So, to have the Aerostar computer pin diagram and the '89 Ranger fuse box pin diagram will simplify it a whole lot. Otherwise has been a pretty easy swap.

1993 Aerostar PCM wiring diagrams.

Here are 3 PCM wiring diagrams from my Ford CD software.


  • 3.0L Aerostar PCM diagram # 1..JPG
    3.0L Aerostar PCM diagram # 1..JPG
    74.9 KB · Views: 4,079
  • 3.0L Aerostar PCM diagram # 2..JPG
    3.0L Aerostar PCM diagram # 2..JPG
    64.7 KB · Views: 3,666
  • 3.0L Aerostar PCM diagram # 3..JPG
    3.0L Aerostar PCM diagram # 3..JPG
    58.4 KB · Views: 1,810

Hey, many thanks for the diagrams. Will apply those to the Ranger truck this week. Can't never have too many diagrams when doing electrical stuff. Will take some pics when done. Has been an interesting swap for sure.

Aerostar is long gone to the crusher. I just bought the motor/trans., front suspension (which is now under the front of a '50 Chevy sedan delivery), brake pedal assembly, etc. Actually, I'd build a 2x4 tubing chassis for one, with narrowed 9" rear end, and cut roof off from "B" pillar back to make my own version of an old Econoline truck, and put a blown 460 c.i. in the "bed". I need to draw that out one day. Hmmmmmmm..........I'm actually only about an hour away from Mayberry/Pilot Mountain area. Come on down !!
