Worn out TrueTrac, Can they be rebuilt? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Worn out TrueTrac, Can they be rebuilt?


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
So, me and Flashflood go to rebuild the LS and do axle seals in our 94 Explorer. Have fun even getting the cover off. Once it is off and our of the way. We find this: Running the numbers low and behold it is a Detroit TrueTrac. Being you turn the tire on one side the other doesn't move. So it is blown out. Is there anyway to rebuild it or have it rebuilt? thanks


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Right from the horses mouth:

“Can the Truetrac be repaired?

The helical cut gears inside a Truetrac are “maintenance free”, only requiring regular lube changes. Any failure of the Truetrac results in irreparable damage to the differential case – typically scoring the pinion gear pockets. Therefore, they are technically not rebuildable. Failure is generally the result of insufficient lubrication or poor lube quality due to age or contamination.”

Did you find a lot of metal in the oil? These don’t operate with clutches, so I’m not positive turning one tire is a fair test. I think it’s typically the gears that fail in these.

I’m sure someone more knowledgeable wil have a better answer.

She's worn out. Replace it and mail the old one to me. It takes some resistance for the power transfer. Put 1 wheel in dirt and the other on clean dry pavement. Drive it hard, if it's working, you'll know.

Turning one wheel isn't a good test. It takes quite a bit of torque to get them to function. They are free when no torque is applied. Even my Detroit locker turns free when on jack stands.

So, being I don't have a stock carrier, looks like I may need to go with a locker. I am thinking of going with the ARB air locker. Since I already have the OBA system.


Arb is solid. That true trac is just probably fine, but you can take it apart and see. There is helical gears that will rarely chunk. You can replace them. I think Eaton even sells the parts. Also the front tru tracs are different- less torque bias- than the ones designed for the rear. My brother used them in his jeep and really abused them without any issue. That was in a Dana 30- so tiny case. My daughers Bronco has one in the rear. My wife’s lj jeep has a similar setup in the rear locker when it isn’t locked- and guys break- or chunk out the helical gears on those.
