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Colin Kaepernick

How many times is "Flag" mentioned in our Constitution? Just wondering about the level of importance that our founders gave to the symbol.

  1. “A spirit of liberty and patriotism animates all degrees and denominations of men.”—James Madison
  2. “For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous.”—Samuel Adams
  3. “Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.”—George Washington
  4. “The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.”—Samuel Adams
  5. “If ever the time should come, when vain & aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”—Samuel Adams
  6. “There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.”—Alexander Hamilton
  7. “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”—Thomas Jefferson
  8. “However weak our country may be, I hope we shall never sacrifice our liberties.”—Alexander Hamilton
  9. “Equal laws protecting equal rights—the best guarantee of loyalty and love of country.”—James Madison
  10. “But a constitution of government once changed from freedom can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”—John Adams

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Well said.

Douchebag is the only word that comes to my mind. There are many ways to protest, disrespect to America is disrespect to America. It's a perfect example of being ignorant in my book.

That's a good word for him. My thought is "disrespectful a######", and I don't give him much further thought.

Everyone is free to say and do what they want to, up to the point where it causes harm(not offense) to others. So he can kneel all he wants to, which shows a disrespect of our entire country(the flag is only a symbol of the country). It does not matter what he thinks he is doing, what he is actually doing is disrespecting the country.

I would not pay a penny to contribute to such an anti-American fool. I'd yank his citizenship and kick him out, he's setting a horrible example to say it's okay to show your hatred publicly, to the entire world on TV.

There are far better ways to express yourself, and get plenty of publicity doing it. Being stupid on TV is just really sad. Doing it over and over again, Colin Kaepernick is a "Douchebag."

Yank his citizenship for exercising his right to free speech? Sounds terribly American to me.

Yank his citizenship for exercising his right to free speech? Sounds terribly American to me.

He can exercise his right to free speech, but that doesn't mean his disrespect has to be accepted. We don't have to accept it, or pay for it. If he doesn't like it here, that much, then get out, and see if it's any better outside the US.

Free speech isn't free, there was and is a cost for it. Show respect for the country, and the people who earned our freedoms.

l. I'd yank his citizenship and kick him out, he's setting a horrible example to say it's okay to show your hatred publicly, to the entire world on TV.

Actually the entire world can see for themselves that we are more free, and have more liberty than most since he hasn't been arrested, jailed, or beaten like they enjoy doing in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. To yank his citizenship would show the opposite message.

You know I mean that figuratively, though yes people outside the US might think we're redefining our laws. That's unfortunately really happening with the assaults on our Constitution in recent years.

This matter is trivial, smart people should simply not go to the games of those players, or watch the games at all. That's out real people power, voting and consuming, or choosing not to.

It does have to be accepted. It's afforded by his rights. His stance has cost him dearly. THAT'S the price. You don't have any duty to agree with the population as a whole, or get out. That's the beauty of having rights.

You know, I don't really care if our Constitution mentions the flag. It's a symbol of our unity, our team colors if you like. I was brought up to respect our flag and what it stands for and I do. One of the beautiful things about our country is our right to free speech. Everyone can say and do as they please, but it seems to me that certain groups are trying to repress our right to free speech if it doesn't agree with their opinion.

It does have to be accepted. It's afforded by his rights. His stance has cost him dearly. THAT'S the price. You don't have any duty to agree with the population as a whole, or get out. That's the beauty of having rights.

No, it does not have to be accepted. You miss the point, we can here, not participate with whatever action is in question. We can choose, each of us, to ignore it, not buy it, not watch it, or we can do something stupid of our own choosing. I just personally would never disrespect my country to make a point about anything. The country is far more important than whatever his beef is. He should find another method, he has not, thus he's an idiot. Regards,

It has to be accepted to a point of not 'yanking his citizenship and making him leave'.

You know, I don't really care if our Constitution mentions the flag. It's a symbol of our unity, our team colors if you like. I was brought up to respect our flag and what it stands for and I do. One of the beautiful things about our country is our right to free speech. Everyone can say and do as they please, but it seems to me that certain groups are trying to repress our right to free speech if it doesn't agree with their opinion.
You mean like you are trying to do to his free speech?

You mean like you are trying to do to his free speech?

Whoa, I'm not trying to stop his right to free speech. He can do (and has done) as he pleases. I just think he went about it in a stupid way and now perhaps he's paying the price for it. Perhaps the fact that no team has picked him up reflects only his lack of talent. If in fact he's now saying he will stand for the pledge it just shows his lack of conviction in his believes.

This matter is trivial, smart people should simply not go to the games of those players, or watch the games at all.

I've never been much of spectator sport person. I get bored to quickly and want to actually do something myself ;)

The reason free speech needs to be protected, is the fact that someone will be offended. If nobody was offended, then what is the meaning of "free speech"
Free speech, in my opinion, does not mean you are free to do "free actions" . Actions and words are completely different subjects. Kneeling for the national anthem was action. A stupid act at that. More of a attention getting tantrum than a message. What was he doing? more importantly, what was he saying? Not a dam thing and now the money quits. Good for him. Golly, we could carry this free speech crap right to the fine line between free speech and infering with other rights. let's push this edge to it's limit. WtF?

Saying you do not like our country or flag is free speech. OK, I'm down with that.
Burning the flag is not free speech. That is a riot ind
The flag, as a symbol, is a growing entity. Not much mention at in our history first, but through the years has grown to inspire people to perform death defying acts. While doing so it has become a greater symbol.
Some of these acts are things we would not dream of doing, but they do them anyway to enable us to do the things we do dream of.
During a military funeral, most of the time is spent delicately folding this flag in proper order for presentation to the deceased's family. Before that it was laid over the coffin in symbol of our country now protecting them at rest. Once it is given to the family, that is all they are able to take away with pride. I'll stand here and say since it is the one symbol above all others for our country and also a symbol for those who do our dirty work so we don't have to think about it. It's the one common symbol of our supposed unity.

You cannot take this away from them. Something has to be held sacred.
Performing this act of "free speech" should be discouraged by our society. Kinda like the guy who drinks too much. Yeah it's his right but nobody likes him or approves of him. To say our flag is not protected because of "rights" is correct, however, it is also condoning it's desecration IMO.
You know, I don't really care if our Constitution mentions the flag. It's a symbol of our unity, our team colors if you like. I was brought up to respect our flag and what it stands for and I do. One of the beautiful things about our country is our right to free speech. Everyone can say and do as they please, but it seems to me that certain groups are trying to repress our right to free speech if it doesn't agree with their opinion.


A bunch of the Cleveland Browns are taking a knee now.

Yeah, the Browns. Way to keep the fans in the seats guys.

As a football fan I think Kaep is average at best. The days of the read option offense came and went. I think him not being signed has as much to do with that as it does his decisions. What he did was a very "me" thing. "My cause" "My protest" " My statement" ( having watched Kaep for a while it is par for the course) Football is too much of a TEAM oriented sport for that sort of self centeredness.

As an American, I see his right to make a statement as his right to do so. Personally I am less interested in making a statement and more interested in making a change.
I think what he did was very misdirected. While I believe his cause is completely legit, I don't see what taking the knee for the anthem has to do with the matter. I kinda feel like it is like protesting drinking and driving while standing in front of the Marlboro factory.
America is jacked up, I fully get that. But we are living in some of the greatest times ever. Even the poorest of the poor in this country have it remarkably better than anyone in the U.S. at any point in history. I think this country with all it's flaws still offers significantly more and more opportunities that any country in the world.
I am a glass half full guy...

Too bad Mr. Kapernick can't be transported back in time to a place call Omaha Beach where he could really put his running skills to the test...

I would think that he would not take a knee then.

We must remember that Mr. Kapernick's main beef was with social injustice in America today.

Yes I agree it is present. Sadly enough it is true.

However, First Amendment or not, I Personally Feel he has overstepped the boundaries by disrespecting not a symbol but the hundreds of thousands of service personnel that have paid "The Ultimate Price" which allows him to exercise his First Amendment Right as a U.S. citizen.

Research if you will "The Tomb Guard" this is another true symbol of America and a humbling experience to witness in person.

Not some "Cheese D&*k" football player taking a knee during the national anthem.

Every notice that most websites you go to that deal internationally have countries listed in alphabetical order?

Oddly enough UPS doesn't do that. The U.S. is first.

Strange Indeed.

Every notice that most websites you go to that deal internationally have countries listed in alphabetical order?

Oddly enough UPS doesn't do that. The U.S. is first.

Strange Indeed.
How exactly is that strange? It's the United Postal Service of America. 99.9% of their business is US based. And, also, that's just the shipping selection page. If you go to their global main page, Africa is first.

By UPS I was saying United Parcel Service.

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United States Parcel Service. Why would anything else be at the top?
