2000 Eddie Bauer 5.0 AWD progress and maintentance | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Eddie Bauer 5.0 AWD progress and maintentance

A dead miss is pretty obvious at idle but can be harder to detect at rpm

Could be injector testing each one is the way to go. 60 psi is in spec for sure

Did you check firing order lol lol also inspect the bottom of your coil packs, any cracking?
Checking the spark plugs can sometimes give indication of which cyl is having issues

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A dead miss is pretty obvious at idle but can be harder to detect at rpm

Could be injector testing each one is the way to go. 60 psi is in spec for sure

Did you check firing order lol lol also inspect the bottom of your coil packs, any cracking?
Checking the spark plugs can sometimes give indication of which cyl is having issues
Well it's got brand new coil packs plugs and wires. I have the injectors out now and tested them all. All sitting around 15 ohms. And they all fire/blast out pretty clearly with the rigged up set-up I made for them.
I've got a tester light showing up today I'll use to test the harnesses on each of them.
I was also thinking of, while it's turning over, checking for an actual spark by pulling all the wires and sticking an old plug on them. Hard to believe I just wouldn't have a spark with new coils and plugs/wires... unless I'm only running on 4 cylinders and the wiring to one of the coil packs is shot?
Another thing is when I pulled the old plugs, they all looked almost the same.


Check firing order lol
Watch it run in the dark so you can see any arching
Check fuel pressure

Good work this far!


Check firing order lol
Watch it run in the dark so you can see any arching
Check fuel pressure

Good work this far!
Yeah once the injectors and intake are back on I plan on running it at night to see any arching. Also pulling off each wire to physically see the spark myself.
I did check the firing order. Even made sure I didn't get the wrong source for the firing order diagram.

I'm hoping at this point it's a slipped harmonic balancer or crank position sensor cause unless there is arching going on, I'm dead(miss) haha out of ideas.
Unless there is some sort of internal engine damage that I'm not aware of...

Well now that I'm going to double check my diagram, I can't seem to find any info on the correct coil pack numbering. Seems to be conflicting information out there and most of what I find is for the distributor 5.0HO.
I know the cylinder numbering, but don't see any info on correct coil pack numbering. Was hoping my owners manual would show me but that's missing.

EDIT: added the diagram I've been going off of. If anyone can confirm this is correct that would be a massive help! I appreciate all the help so far!

This is posted on the wall in my shop.


Your chart above is correct

This is posted on the wall in my shop.

View attachment 451804

Your chart above is correct
Thanks for that!

Well it's all back together. New balancer and sensor and the crazy engine shake is gone!
Only issue now is a tick noise fom the engine bay. I checked that there was enough distance between the sensor and steel plate of the balancer.
The only thing I did was pull the intake/injectors off and put back on and swap the balancer so not sure what could have caused it.
Wondering if that loud of a tick could be coming from an injector. I guess I can assume it may be a lifter if it goes away after warming up. It's just odd it popped up right after doing this work.

Pcv seated?

Pcv seated?
Yeah it is. Double checked it was all put back properly. Once I swap the injector o-rings today, I'm going to let it warm up and see if the noise dies down. While it's running I'll check the injectors to see if the ticking is coming from them. Maybe I messed one up with my cleaning 🤷‍♂️

I guess it could also be now that the ignition timing is correct, it's showing an issue I just didn't now has been there the whole time of a lifter problem?

Really hoping for an injector rather than lifter issue...

Thanks for following along and helping out! :chug:

Hoping I have good news to post soon.

Good news! I think the ticking was coming from the leaking oring on the injector. As soon as I replaced that, the ticking is gone and it runs really smooth now. Not like, stand a dime up on it smooth. Just a very very slight stumble, but very responsive and sounds happy.
I appreciate everyone's help with this! Going to be my daily driver.

Give her a few
Minutes the stumble may disappear as the new parts work! Well done
