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4WD module


Well-Known Member
December 6, 2007
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Chattanooga, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 ST
I'm tired of looking for the answer on here so I'll just post and see what comes to my aid.....
When I put it in 4WD either high or low and then start to go it jumps in and out of 4wd. As if it is engaging the front and disengaging over and over. Doesn't sound good at all.
So I was thinking maybe there was a module that controls this action that needs to be replaced. It seems electrical because for a second the front is engaged and starts to pull. Then it's back off, then the back tires spin and it's back on, then off and it repeats over and over.
Anyone have any ideas?

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Yeah the 4wd shouldn't kick in and out IF your in 4hi or 4low it should only do it in 4auto.

2002's had a lot of problems with the 4x4CM (control module)

I replaced one on my fathers 02 and it corrected his problem of the 4x4high light flashing. He didn't seem to have any 4x4 engagement at all.

The module is behind the glove box. Squeeze the sides of the glove box and let it down all the way. You'll see the module bolted on the heater box housing. Its a black box about 1"x5"x4" with 2 connectors on it. One black, one gray if I remember correctly.

Disconnecting the connectors should temporarily solve your problem.
A new module is about $150 from www.directfordparts.com
they will be the cheapest. Locally at the dealer the part was over $350.

2002's had a lot of problems with the 4x4CM (control module)

I replaced one on my fathers 02 and it corrected his problem of the 4x4high light flashing. He didn't seem to have any 4x4 engagement at all.

The module is behind the glove box. Squeeze the sides of the glove box and let it down all the way. You'll see the module bolted on the heater box housing. Its a black box about 1"x5"x4" with 2 connectors on it. One black, one gray if I remember correctly.

Disconnecting the connectors should temporarily solve your problem.
A new module is about $150 from www.directfordparts.com
they will be the cheapest. Locally at the dealer the part was over $350.

Thank you! I called the dealer (just to get the part number!) it was 308 and directford parts was 163. So I'm gonna buy it and put it on and see what happens. It's just odd that it does it engage and then backs out, hopefully it is this so I'm not just throwing money at it.
It sucked when it happened, I backed in a hole just to have fun getting out and I couldn't get out!

Yeah the 4wd shouldn't kick in and out IF your in 4hi or 4low it should only do it in 4auto.

Thats what I was thinking, what happened to the good ole days of manually shifting into 4x4?

Thats what I was thinking, what happened to the good ole days of manually shifting into 4x4?

Yeah....most of my 4X4's been push button but no 4auto stuff. The only manual shifted one was an 84 BII. I don't know much bout the 02+ but sounds like it would be a problem with that 4X4 module, just curious did you try to reset the truck by unhooking the negative battery cable for 15minutes to see if maybe that'd short time cure it?

Yeah....most of my 4X4's been push button but no 4auto stuff. The only manual shifted one was an 84 BII. I don't know much bout the 02+ but sounds like it would be a problem with that 4X4 module, just curious did you try to reset the truck by unhooking the negative battery cable for 15minutes to see if maybe that'd short time cure it?

No I haven't! I will do that before I order that part though....

Do that and check all connections. In the 95-01 trucks there are three modules controlling the 4WD system, the GEM, TOD, and 4WD module. You might research a bit more to see if others have had similar symptoms, before trying a $170 test. Good luck,

Just wanted to say thanks Curtis, got that installed today and it locks in like a champ!!!

Thats what I was thinking, what happened to the good ole days of manually shifting into 4x4?

manual transfer cases r def much more reliable than electronic ones... my friend has a manual transfer case on his silverado and it is so much easier to manage than an electric one... u always know what gearing ur in

Replaced mine after doing similar things. I got an upgraded version of the module with these problems corrected. I wonder if you got the updated module.

Replaced mine after doing similar things. I got an upgraded version of the module with these problems corrected. I wonder if you got the updated module.

I dont know for sure but the manufactured date was November 2007. I hope so!

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What specific part number are you looking for ?

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I need the VIN to look that up correctly.
