4th Annual Harris Halloween Party | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th Annual Harris Halloween Party

Stang Girl

Explorer Addict
July 11, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Bastrop, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Cobra R Clone
It's that time of year again. The party is planned for Oct. 25th at our house.

Starting time is usually 6 pm-??? and costumes are required unless you want to face the wrath of the Demons. ;)

More details to follow.

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45 days and counting.........

Ok, the party is now 45 days away now.

The details are as follows:

Place: SVO and Stang Girl's house (there are pics of it around here somewhere :p:)
Time: 6 pm until the cops are called (which never happens because they are always invited and here ;))
Have to's: Come in costume (for your safety). We claim no liability for what the members of Demon 4x4 will do for those who don't follow this guideline...especially Mudd***** aka Elder Elemental Evil :confused:
Need to bring: virgins for sacrifice :eek:

ok, just kidding. Need to bring chairs, whatever frosty adult beverages you like to drink, and a side dish whether it be chips, cookies, macaroni salad, whatever to share with all the evil guests. We usually have brisket and side dishes along with loud music, big trucks, loud Mustangs, and guns (really, look at pics from previous years).

If you want to become a member of Demon 4x4 this particular night, please check out the website for truck/member requirements and come a little early for whatever other requirements the mods of Demon 4x4 will require. :p:

Hello All, I am a retired U.S. Army Helicopter Pilot from Temple Tx, now living in Belize Central America. I'll be coming up to Texas around the 25th and would love to attend your Halloween Party. I may not be much of an attraction but I'll be driving a new 2008 Ford Ranger. In it's self it is built in Thailand by FORD/MAZDA. GET THIS!!! It's a 4cyl Turbo Diesel, 4x4, Four Door Crew Cab, 5 spd Trans. NOT SOLD in the U.S. I have to bring my own fuel and oil filters as The Texas Ford Dealers have on idea what the hell I am driving!!!! Thats why I FEEL like "the LoneRanger" LOL Someone get back to me and guide me in......... uncle sam

got some pics - take a peek: http://picasaweb.google.com/msjunglelady/FordRangerTurboDiesel2008#

Directions sent! Look forward to meeting you.

Jeff - :navajo:

Sam, it was great to meet you. Hopefully next time I'll actually get to sit down and talk with you. The guys never quit talking about your truck and SVO has extensive pics of it around here somewhere that he'll probably post up later.

Here's a link to our friend's photobucket site with a few pics of the night. And just in case ya'll didn't know, it was SVO's surprise birthday party as well so that might help explain some of the pics....like him with liquid Geritol! :p:


This is still my favorite pic:


I wanted to sneak down for a suprise appearance but couldn't get off work.:(

Im new to both the forum and texas and i just found out about Deman4x4 and I was just curios if you had a website and if you do what the link was.

My explorer is still stock so it problulby wouldnt meet up with your truck requirements (its a 95 4wd xlt) but I was just interested any ways :D

This is still my favorite pic:


Man I could have sworn I seen that car and that lady driving it in Mount Pleasent Texas a few days ago.
