Info on a 2" drop? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Info on a 2" drop?



I just need to start up a thread about dropping an Explorer I know there are a lot that do it. I really know nothing about it. Help fill me in? Pictures, links to what I may need if I decide to drop it this summer...Lets chat


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back out the torsion bar bolts and put blocks on the rear then get an alignment. You can add drop shocks as well if yours are shot.
has anyone done the 3" blocks with torsion bolts all the way out? I was considering doing that on mine but I'm worried about it being somewhat level...

3" blocks anyone? or should i just go with 2"?

I took mine out and put them back in. It was way too bouncy going down the highway. In the spring I'm starting with a 1 inch in the rear I got really cheap and flipping the torsion brackets.

that would sit level with the front if i took the torsion bolts out? i want to go as low as possible without flipping the torsion bracket

2" block in the back + TT bolts out = perfect stance.

Although I went with 3" block in the back. That's because the backside raised up half an inch when I removed the stock bumper to put on my rollpan. With just me in the truck, it levels out. Good stance. But when I have 2-3 passengers in the back :thumbdwn:.

2" block in the back + TT bolts out = perfect stance.

Although I went with 3" block in the back. That's because the backside raised up half an inch when I removed the stock bumper to put on my rollpan. With just me in the truck, it levels out. Good stance. But when I have 2-3 passengers in the back :thumbdwn:.
thanks for the help bro

just lowered my mounty today, looks good but the passenger side rear is up higher than the driver's side...doesn't make sense. maybe it just has to settle

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