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Antenna alternatives


March 15, 2011
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2011 XLT
Just picked my new Ex this morning. I knew it was going to be a tight fit with my low clearance garage opening...the truck fits great, but the antenna hits by 1-2 inches. This is "ok" going in, but can't back out with it attached due to the angle.
Any recommendations for a shorter replacement antenna that will still hold a decent radio signal? And does it make a difference for Sirius?
Thanks for help.

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I saw in a thread here somwhere last week that they had a shark fin antenna ,they purchased it painted to body color ,and it screws on using a mounting plate to the factory housing, looked very clean.

Hope this helps, I ordered one for my new EX

"Our pre-released Mark II VG shark fin antenna is compatible with your 2011 Ford Explorer. For more information, pictures and how to order, please see the email below."




This new shark fin antenna was developed specifically for vehicles that have an AM/FM rear-roof whip antenna and a Sirius/XM/OnStar/GPS chip-set antenna integrated into the larger antenna base. Our Mark II antenna will allow you to replace the whip portion of your AM/FM antenna and cover the entire large antenna base on your roof to give it a clean look. Installing this antenna will not hinder the operation of your Sirius/XM/OnStar/GPS chip-set antennas that are integrated into your antenna base. Please click the following links for some sample pictures of our new shark fin antenna:

We are happy to announce that we can continue to offer our Mark II version at the same price as our Mark I version, currently priced at $69USD (including painting to your OEM color as usual), plus shipping/handling for $12USD to USA/Canada or $28USD to International locations (including tracking number & insurance). GST & HST applicable for Canadian orders. Lead time is around 1 to 2 weeks before ready for shipping.

To place an order, please send an email to and provide the information below, and a Paypal invoice for ordering will be sent to you shortly afterwards . You will be able to pay via Paypal account, eCheck and most major credit cards. To find your color code, please visit this page:


Subject: Order - VG Shark Fin Antenna Mark II

Qty x Year, Make, Model, Style - Color Code / Color Name

(example: Qty: 1 x 2009 Pontiac G8 4-Dr Sedan - WA690F / Phantom Metallic)

Mailing Address

Paypal email Address


Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:13 AM
Subject: Ford products

I do not find any Shark Fin application for the 2011 Ford Explorer.

Here's the Shark Fin on my new X.

Now I look like a "high-ender". Like BMW.
Follow the above post. Just email your info and they will contact you.
Here are a couple of pix:


  • it's on the X.JPG
    it's on the X.JPG
    296 KB · Views: 5,996
  • Ant - 2.JPG
    Ant - 2.JPG
    325.4 KB · Views: 7,143
  • Antenna.JPG
    336.6 KB · Views: 7,253

Isn't that funny- they make it sound like they have some sort of fancy design antennae!

I do like the look of the shark fin. Thanks for posting the info.

Do you have Sirius? Does it affect the Sirius at all if you do?


Very interested in this, as the stock antenna hits my garage door when I enter.

Have not been able to find out how this affects reception for Sirius, or FM.

Anybody have any more info? I thought I had read somewhere that reception was not quite as good with the shark antenna.

I also read reception was affected,but only from one review.We need to hear honest opinions from 2011 Ex owners on their vehicles.Please post your thoughts about reception,not just how good it looks,and it does that.


I haven't noticed any drop in reception. I'm running around 20 to 35 mile north of Pittsburgh. All stations come in fine. Maybe better than my Escalade. Sirius seems fine.

Visual Garage was very fast on their delivery.I ordered the Mark II VG Shark Fin antenna in white platinum met tri-coat on May 3 and it was delivered today May 9.The cost was $69.00 plus $12.00 shipping.The paint match is perfect And the reception seems great.I am about 25 miles E of Cincinnati.Sirius reception perfect.Nice touch to a good looking Explorer.

I was thinking of completely removing the antenna because I never listen to FM. Sirius would still work because its antenna is in the base.
Or get one of those ultra short aftermarket antennas, e.g. from Walmart.

I was thinking of completely removing the antenna because I never listen to FM. Sirius would still work because its antenna is in the base.
Or get one of those ultra short aftermarket antennas, e.g. from Walmart.

Good point.

I forgot the whip antenna mast is only AM/FM reception and nothing to do with Sirius or GPS for Navigation.

So with these posters getting the Sharkfin, the actual true test is AM/FM reception not Sirius reception.

Anyone with one can you advise?

Good point.

I forgot the whip antenna mast is only AM/FM reception and nothing to do with Sirius or GPS for Navigation.

So with these posters getting the Sharkfin, the actual true test is AM/FM reception not Sirius reception.

Anyone with one can you advise?

Yes, but the new Shark Fin covers the factory base so testing Sirius and Nav is worth reporting on.

Leaning towards buying the VG Shark Fin antenna.

How is the reception with AM, FM, GPS, and Sirius?

I have one on my Limited and it looks great. I have had no issues with AM/FM, Sirius or navigation issues. Getting rid of the whip antenna really does knock the look of the vehicle up a bit more like a (more) premium brand.

Highly recommended.

stevew25561 said:
i have one on my limited and it looks great. I have had no issues with am/fm, sirius or navigation issues. Getting rid of the whip antenna really does knock the look of the vehicle up a bit more like a (more) premium brand.

Highly recommended.


I also installed this and highly agree with Steve

Finally installed mine. Looks good. :D



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Does anyone know if Visual Garage is still operating?

From the feedback that I have seen here, they are very responsive on orders and emails. I placed an order yesterday and have not heard back. I emailed them again today to see if they got the order, using a different email address, and have not heard back. I'd sure like to place an order, but it seems like they are either not getting orders, are extremely busy, or maybe closed shop??? Anyone have a contact number or other email address other then what is on their website? Thanks in advanced.
