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September 8, 2011
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Ford Explorer Limite 2016
Someone has been lucky enough to be able to connect to Wi-Fi, I have the former four months ago and I've never been able to connect, including my home I give the password and nothing, for this reason is not how it works, could someone please explain ?

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Other thread deleted - please dont double post.

I am new to the forum and did not know that the thread was removed, show me where to read about this?

I am new to the forum and did not know that the thread was removed, show me where to read about this?
Read about what?

About what I ask is that no one can comment on that topic, is prohibitive in a forum?, Or someone more friendly than I could answer IZwack? Thanks

Tavin said:
I am new to the forum and did not know that the thread was removed, show me where to read about this?

... o_0
I don't think the forum notifies when a thread is deleted.
I don't understand the question being asked

The original poster probably posted the same question in two locations and one was deleted by the moderator.

To the question:
Has anyone played with the on-vehicle wi-fi and made it work? I gave it one try when the Ex was new and had no luck, I haven't messed with it since as I don't need it. It would be nice on a long trip to have the iPad connect through MFT and my iPhone if that is possible.

It appears that you need to plug in an air card or have a certain smartphone (not sure which ones, though). I have not tried my iPhone 4 on AT&T yet.

I played with it briefly in my Ex. Connected it to my home network while sitting in the garage no problem. I don't currently have a phone that supports mobile hot spotting so I have no use for wi-fi in the car right now. I should be upgrading phones in a month so I'll be testing the usefulness of allowing my passengers watch NetFlix streams on their tablets using the mobile wi-fi in the car.

Thank you very much for your answers, very kind, proves with smart phone

I have connected the EX to my house WIFI network. After messing around with the buttons on MFT for so time. I have determine this is a useless feature.

Seems to be a useless piece of kit. If your phone has internet wi fi then you don't need the x. Redundant if you ask me. Why run your signal through something else. I plug my atrix in and my family uses it as a hub through bluetooth. I also mentioned earlier that the text works on this phone as well. Love the X. Mine works exceptionally well. Just lucky I guess.

To clarify its the text part of MFT that works. The bluetooth is direct from the phone and not through MFT for internet sharing.

I have connected the EX to my house WIFI network. After messing around with the buttons on MFT for so time. I have determine this is a useless feature.

I got the same feeling. When we first got the x, I mistakenly thought it would create a wi-fi spot from your cell phone, but no, you need to have it tethered and that another extra montly charge from your cell phone provider. Nice idea, but definetely in it's infancy.
Yeah, you can hook up to your home or starbucks wifi, but WHAT IS THE POINT?

Well you can also get a USB aircard and drop it in a USB port and then provide WiFi to the whole car. NOW That is a useful feature when you have 5 guys in a car going on a long work-related road trip.

I noticed the wi-fi, the day that I took delivery of my Explorer.
Tonight, I am going to see how the Samsung Galaxy S2 works with it.

I have an air card USB, but really what's point to process through another piece of equipment, I think it slows the MFT down. Question has anyone received or sent text through the MFT?

Question has anyone received or sent text through the MFT?
Yes, my wifes (old motorola razorV3) phone does receive/send messages throught the MFT, pretty cool actually... If I text her and she is driving, the MFT lady will read out loud my message and then she can reply via steering wheel controls by selecting standard reply messages, for example: "thanks" "OK" "see you soon", etc, etc. All this without having to take here hands off the steering wheel.

I am headed on a 7 hour trip this weekend and thought about getting an aircard so "she who must be obeyed" can use the Ipad(and shop online) without using all my data allotment out and back. Does this sound reasonable or will it be too slow?

Hey, Everyone!

You can create a secure wireless network inside your vehicle and let passengers surf the net. Up to five devices may be connected at a time. It's great for long road trips when someone in the vehicle needs to work, cranky teens that NEED to stay connected to their friends at all times, or your toddlers can connect to Netflix to watch their favorite kids show! This can be created one of three ways:

Plug a USB Mobile Broadband device into the media hub (see two examples below)
Set up Phone Tethering through Bluetooth
Access a nearby Wi-Fi Hotspot

Here are two USB Broadband devices that are known to work:

Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless
Device Model: USB 598
Device Type: CDMA
Device Carrier: Sprint

Manufacturer: Mercury
Device Model: USBConnect Mercury
Device Type: GSM
Device Carrier: AT&T

For Bluetooth phone tethering, please be sure that your phone is equipped with PAN (Personal Are Networking) and you have the proper data plan to support it. We have also updated our Phone Compatibility Chart on SyncMyRide.com with phones that are capable of phone tethering. Check it out:



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Hey, Everyone!

You can create a secure wireless network inside your vehicle and let passengers surf the net. Up to five devices may be connected at a time. It's great for long road trips when someone in the vehicle needs to work, cranky teens that NEED to stay connected to their friends at all times, or your toddlers can connect to Netflix to watch their favorite kids show! This can be created one of three ways:

Plug a USB Mobile Broadband device into the media hub (see two examples below)
Set up Phone Tethering through Bluetooth
Access a nearby Wi-Fi Hotspot

Here are two USB Broadband devices that are known to work:

Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless
Device Model: USB 598
Device Type: CDMA
Device Carrier: Sprint

Manufacturer: Mercury
Device Model: USBConnect Mercury
Device Type: GSM
Device Carrier: AT&T

For Bluetooth phone tethering, please be sure that your phone is equipped with PAN (Personal Are Networking) and you have the proper data plan to support it. We have also updated our Phone Compatibility Chart on SyncMyRide.com with phones that are capable of phone tethering. Check it out:



Hi Rebecca,

Does the Ex take your phone's 3G signal and create a wifi hot spot or does it just take in your phones hotspot and amplify it within the cabin?
