'04 4WD "roaring" sound | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'04 4WD "roaring" sound


New Member
September 26, 2009
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City, State
Armonk, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT
Hi folks,

I have a 2004 Explorer that has started exhibiting this "roaring" vibration from the frontend, definitely related to tire speed. Most noticeable around 50-60mph, it gets pretty loud, you can feel the vibration in the floorboards.

I am concerned that it might be related to the 4WD, which I'm not too familiar with. Had the car for a couple years now, and never made such noise before. I did drive around with an over-size spare tire for about 100 miles or so before realizing I could be doing some serious damage -- is that possibly the culprit?

TIA - if there are other posts that relate to this issue please let me know. There is so much info on this forum, it really rocks!


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Sounds like wheel bearing issue.

Sounds like wheel bearing issue.

WB would make me very happy, not too expensive to replace. I was very worried about 4WD $$$ work!

What would you suggest, should I jack it up and try to wobble the tire top & bottom?


Wheel bearing would be a good place to start as well as lugs. I had new tires and an alignment done and drove off the lot to the same thing on my 93 and was furious. They forgot to tighten my lugs all of the way....scary.com

WB would make me very happy, not too expensive to replace. I was very worried about 4WD $$$ work!

What would you suggest, should I jack it up and try to wobble the tire top & bottom?


Yep that is a good start but sometimes wheel bearings are not loose but are very noisey. So dont rule out wheel bearings if they are tight.

Kiko, sounds like your symptoms/sounds are the same as what are in my Chev. Astro AWD work van. I have determined my RF unit (wheel) bearing has gone south and will be replacing it this week-end, will let you know if it cured my noise. Steve.

PS: I know Chev's don't belong here, I can't help what the boss gives me.

So it's probbaly wheel bearings...

Thanks everyone for the help. I'll take it in to a "perfeshinul" mechanic to have a look-see, and let you know what happens...


I did have an issue a few years ago where I didn't torque the castle nut back down and the bearing was just loose - but it needed replaced by the time I looked into it.

Another issue may be packing - how well did you pack the bearings?

deff sounds like a Wheel Bearing.

I got the same thing going on in my 01.
